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Dog and bones

the hitman

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Although bones will help a pup with the sore gums of teething, and may help bring those annoying puppy teeth out a little faster, I have found that they will quite often cause a loose stool in puppies. I believe this is due to their digestive tracks being quite tender and bones building up bacteria while rolling around the ground. Therefore I usually hold off giving puppies fresh bones with meat on them until they are at least 4 months.


I will however give them a bone that one of the other dogs has stripped meat and marrow from as a play toy. This seems to work well with no squirts present. I am refering to large nuckle bones from beef cattle.


If you are feeding a barf diet then the above does not applie and you need to follow a good feeding program based on chicken wings, necks, and carcus, which needs to be properly prepared, stored and fed.


In place of bones for young puppies , go out and buy a bag of the large horse carrots. These work great for the gums, help pull the puppy teeth and do not cause the squirts.



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