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Did anyone see this interview?


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Very interesting. The police sgt that recommended that Hamilton's certificates were not renewed was also minded that he be taken to task over his activities on a boys' summer camp. He was over-ruled on both counts; subsequently promoted and moved from the area. Consequently, the only people that could possibly KNOW that Hamilton was a paedophile were his partners in crime and his victims as he was never tried in court. In order to protect his victims and other innocents (I make no mention of any possible additional people who would also benefit from any such action and who also may have been "friends" of the Queen Victoria School) a 100 year embargo on the release of any such information was put in place. If, now, one such individual sees a financial gain in breaking that confidentiality, is there not a case for lifting the embargo in order that the full sorry story can be told and any other potential evil minded people can be investigated and punished as appropriate?

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There was a story in the public domain that He should never have had a pistol licence as he was not a member at a club.


I do like Piers Morgan but he is a journalist. His gun control stuff is mainly aimed at the US.

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There was a story in the public domain that He should never have had a pistol licence as he was not a member at a club.


I do like Piers Morgan but he is a journalist. His gun control stuff is mainly aimed at the US.

An investigation into his conduct prior to the event reflected that he had been attending a club(s) and was working on improving his marksmanship.

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Because, sadly, they have locked the documents away for 100yrs or whatever, we will never know the truth. That is a disgrace and something any decent government should overturn (I won't hold my breath on any government over ruling this). There is plenty of reading out there that hints at exactly what hamilton was, and why, and how he was helped keep his guns. Some I happen to think is a bit tinfoil hat brigade, but other info is very interesting and very believable indeed!!!
Locked away for 100yrs to protect who exactly??? Not the parents who lost children and certainly not to protect those murdered by him!!!!

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I recall at the time there were numerous complaints regarding Hamiltons behaviour prior to the shootings. I haven't read either the Cullen report ( which, if I remember correctly, didn't support a ban ) nor the conspiracy theorists books ( maybe I should ) but I read of one instance of a parent complaining to the police after learning that Hamilton had shown his handguns to her son, amongst others, and another of him pointing a finger in pistol fashion at another whom had complained about him.

I also read that he was a member of two pistol clubs, both of which had told him his membership wouldn't be renewed; one claimed he had turned up one night and simply emptied a box of ammunition down range as fast as possible with no consideration for accuracy, and then left.

More than one police officer had commented to superiors that he was of unsuitable character to own firearms, following their own investigations due to complaints, which for reasons best known to themselves, superiors ignored.

Faced with the possibility of having to hand in his guns with nowhere to shoot and the possibility of investigations showing him for what it is claimed he was, his actions dealt blows to all the people he obviously felt were out to get him; the parents of the children he coveted and the gun owning public.

I don't buy the idea that there is a 100 year disclosure for the reasons of protecting the parents of the victims and survivors either; there was no due consideration for the relatives of the victims at Hungerford and Cockermouth.

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