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I rang up my local council offices today and asked for the department where I have to register the birth of my son.

"I'm sorry sir we cannot put you through to that department" came the reply

"But the office is there isn't it?, it says so on my leaflet" I replied.

"We cannot put you straight through though sir, but here is the number for the office in Chichester (about 45 miles West of me) and they can transfer you" :good:

I ring up the Chichester number and then they transfer me to the local office.


What a bloody palavor! Talk about red tape and faffing about. Is it any wonder councils are bleeding useless.

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If all our bloody councils' worked efficiently, the un-employment figues would go through the roof! :good:


All part of the great con job; to help keep the state employment machine as big, and as many potential voters on the payroll, as possible.

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Didn't one of the lying swine labour politicians promise to cut the number of people in the civil service and make things more efficient? I seem to remember that over the last few years the number of local authority employees has risen...


Just goes to show you can never trust a lying plonker politician to keep his word.

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Is it a good time to bring up "cast iron clad final salary pensions at our expense"?





Im gonna start a new Topic and Pin it just for you Snakebite.......Grumpy Old **** Corner. :lol::good:


Forgot to add sorry :lol:


Congratulations to you and the wife on the families new arrival. :lol:


:happybday: Snakebite Jnr

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don't even start me on local councils, we're going for planning permission at the moment and lets say its an eye opener. All this poncy customer service charter we do this in 5 days etc etc my 5 days has been 5 months just to look at plans and reply giving an opinion!

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Is it a good time to bring up "cast iron clad final salary pensions at our expense"?



B) :lol:


Im gonna start a new Topic and Pin it just for you Snakebite.......Grumpy Old **** Corner. :lol::good:





Oi, who you calling old, 1970 boy! Snakey's a child of 1971. :good:

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Oh god, you started something now about Local Councils...............


Maybe the Council Tax would'nt be so bl**dy high if they stopped employing 3 drongo's to do one persons job! B)


We only get our general refuse collected once a fortnight now and we are expected to recycle everything although they wont even contemplate giving a reduction on the scandalous council tax.




Rant over :lol:

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