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What powder for .204

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Which Vit powder would you recommend for a .204 with a 20" barrel shooting 32 gr Blitzkings.

N130 and 140 are both ok,has anyone tried 135,was advised that for a shorter barrel,this would work well. Am looking for accuracy more than speed,although would be great to push out to 500 yards. Thanks.

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VITAVOURI NN540 is the one i would use,

here is some vitavouri data that includes some N540 loads. You might want to consider.

204 Ruger
32 V Max Hornady N-140 25.3 3600 29.2 4200
32 V Max Hornady N-540 27.8 3600 29.6 4100
40 V Max Hornady N-140 25.0 3400 27.3 3800
40 V Max Hornady N-540 25.9 3400 27.7 3800
40 HP Berger N-133 20.3 24.7 3601
40 HP Berger N-135 22.0 26.4 3674
32 Sierra Blitzking N-140 26.0 3500 27.6 3700
39 Sierra Blitzking N-140 24.9 3200 27.5 3600
39 Sierra Blitzking N-150 25.5 3200 27.7 3600

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I use this too, as it was recommended by the RFD who I bought the rifle off, and who had been reloading his bullets with it. With a 32gr Sierra Blitzking and 27.5hgrn of H4895, I'm getting an average of 4000fps.

What length barrel are you shooting from?


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I currently run 32SBK over 26.2gr Vit N135, Rem 7.5 @ 3650,18" with reasonable accuracy, sub 0.3"

Case max fill is 28gr using Hornady brass way below QL max,

28gr gives 4000f/s in a 20" pipe with 32's but if you want to shoot out to 500+ I would run 39 SBK over 27.8 gr N135 Rem 7.5 @3750 f/s 20" and has a much better BC

These loads were worked up by myself and safe in my guns and are meant only as a guide

Edited by maxwell
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Sorry, I measured it wrong, and included the breech. The barrel is 20" not 24".[/quote)


That's interesting, might try your recipe then, see if I can squeeze a bit more speed out of my barrel


It worked for me Andy. I took an average from 5 bullets through the chronograph and it worked out at 4000fps. As mentioned, my load is 27.5grn H4895 with a 32gr SBK. First, I zeroed the rifle using Sellior & Bellot 32gr bullets. I then made 3 batches of 27gr, 27.5gr and 28gr. The 28gr were hitting slightly higher than the factory rounds, the 27gr was nearer, but the 27.5gr was spot on, so I thought I would stick with that, and, should I use a few of the S&B bullets that I have left, it 'should' be the same as my home loads.

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I use this too, as it was recommended by the RFD who I bought the rifle off, and who had been reloading his bullets with it. With a 32gr Sierra Blitzking and 27.5hgrn of H4895, I'm getting an average of 4000fps.

I found it a good all round powder i use it in my 243 also but the 204 likes it with the 39gn sbk

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