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VW transmission noise


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2013 Passatt Alltrack

57k VW fsh

There is a metallic oscillating noise that you can hear in the cabin at tick over and when pulling away slowly.

Lift the bonnet or get underneath and you can't hear a thing.

VW diagnosed fault as clutch and flywheel and replaced under the 2 year warranty. Anyway 400 miles later and noise has reappeared and is back with VW who are now a bit stumped as to the cause.

Has anybody come across this in the past.

Gearbox issue ??

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ok been out of the repair business a while now but we used to replace g/box idler bearing on polo/golf boxes don't know if its the same set up in your alltrack but if it has a round cover plate on the end of the box about midway this could be the bearing cover get a screwdriver against the cover and your ear against the handle and you may be able to detect the noise we used to replace this bearing without taking the box out.hope this helps

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