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get yourself a tractor a nice full up slurry tanker an spray the bsatrds!



That reminded me, one of the farms i shoot on, he did exactly that to nat west bank!


3 TIMES and once at the council planing offices.


got himself on the tv lots(and arrested lots)



but stuck to his guns,proved his point and actually won in court.


so go for it, slurry em all,let god sort em out.

This sounds quite common. :lol: We had them on the rugby pitches a few years back. Caused all sorts of trouble, not least when you have lit the November the 5th bonfire when you realise they have concealed their old gas cylinders in there. :good: Litter left everywhere as well not to mention the loss of a training area for a few weeks before they could be legally moved on.


Finally the farmer said get lost or the muck spreader comes out. :lol:


A local field where people walk their dogs and play footy has just been taken over by a fair few caravans. :lol:


I don't tar them all with the same brush. I have little problem with the more peaceful Romany gypsies that travel in their wagons with their horses and hens and dont cause trouble.


FM :oops:

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I got back from shopping today and there they were...... gone!


Now credit should be given to the fact that apart from a few tyre tracks there was no evidence they were there. No rubbish, dog **** or gas cannisters hidden in the bushes!


I just wish I'd had the dag away last night!

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havn't read this thread the alway but has it happens, thursday pickeys roll in, and friday my motor goes???


Get your clobber away matey and dont become a easy target :blink:


was it the fortrack that you have posted a picture of in picture section ? :blink:



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Just get SL, Axe and JJ up for a night of " ***** Lamping"


****!!!! :lol::):):):good::D:D:lol:

I was trying to work out some wording to that effect and trying to keep it PC..but I couldn't top that!!!


After the first few have had a taste for it they will not want to hang around.


The other option is to get a large group of you in 4x4 driving round and round the site all night, beeping your horns.

You are just "giving as good as you get" but they'll soon tire of it and move on.

I bet "night time tractor racing" would go down a treat with the young farmers association!!! :)



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