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whats the difference ITX10 and ITX13

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I have some ITX from Clay & Game but it does not show 10 or 13 on the can but the load details they provided stated 'Extreme13 shot'. The loads I put together for my 410 from their suggestions does the business no problem.

In the 410 I use Fiocchi 3 inch cases, H110 18grns, 9/16th oz of ITX #6 .. I say near as, because I fill the plastic wad they supplied to a point where I get a good crimp. Killed ducks out to 30yrds no problem.

The ITX they supplied although it states #6 on the jar, does seem to be larger than the normal #6 lead .. I would have said 5, but it may be it is designated on Italian sizing.


Is it marked 10 or 13 because mine wasn't marked on the canisters ... just 500g ITX SHOT No.6 2.79mm. I don't know where that is measured because it is a funny shape, not a true sphere. BUT ....Heh! it does the job. :yes:

Edited by Walker570
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Reading through the paperwork they sent me I now see reference to ITX Original-10 shot, so if yours is two years old it may be 10 and they have recently moved on to 13, worth a phone call or call in as your not that far away.


Are these loads for the 20 gauge ?

For the ten mainly but will maybe use some of the #4 in the 20 ga iv got about 1.8kg of #2 and #4 so will see how it go"s.

Yes i have had it confirmed that it the original 10 so at least i know what data to look at lol

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It should kill well out of the 10. I have no qualms with it in the 410 if I do my job. Two shots at some teal this weekend and the teal flew on but operator error :sad1::whistling::lol:

It gets very boring if you kill every thing you put the gun up at :lol:

I am just thinking about what sort of speed i want it to be going i am sort of thinking about running it the same sort of speed as my steel loads but cant make my mind up

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