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Sergey 'krusher' Kovalev v Andre 'SOG' Ward


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Holy ****. 24 replies and only a handful about the actual fight.And here was me thinking people were getting excited about the biggest fight of the year and possibly biggest fight of the last decade. tut tut.


I have to say Ward is looking very confident in that 'face off' clip. Then he is always cool as a cucumber. Sergey on the other hand is looking a bit under the cosh' heavy breathing and looks like he is gonna come out and try and remove Wards head from his shoulders. Maybe that is just what Ward wants.?


Interesting reading Johnny Nelson's take on the fight and he is one of the very few who thinks Ward can actually Stop Kovalev.! Ward is such a unique talent I would not rule this possibility out.

I hope its not a stinker also but to be truthful there is a high possibility Ward may use the clinch alot.


Still going with Ward to give big Sergey a Boxing lesson and take the belts from him. I think he is that good. Time will tell soon enough.


Come on Andre.

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Good fight. Didnt reach the expectations predicted by the pundits but still a good scrap. Ward showed good charachter to come back from the kd.


Absolutely and i thought no way back after the first 2 where the writing really was on the wall.

Didnt think he did enough but cant argue as some rounds were so close.

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