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Picked up a zabala today sxs non ej

Wildfowler after firing both barrels and opening gun to pull spent ammo out

I found that I had to put a fair bit of pressure down on barrels for the empties to miss top of action and same when reloadind gun not all that old

Is this something easy to rectify

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As soon as you fire it - open it fully then close it again, now open it again to see if that's easier - if it is then the "problem" is simply powerful hammer springs. If its still stiff then first thing I would try is a different cartridge - I have a Silver Kestrel that's made by the same company and have exactly the same problem with some cartridges (to a point where I sometimes have had to hit the barrels with the palm of my hand to get them open) - I have found that simply changing cartridges cures the problem.

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Sounds like a case of "over cocking " This is when the sears engage the hammer bents early so that the downward pressure of the barrels on the cocking dogs has to be maintained to compress the mainsprings . This may be a matter of living with it as it is not an uncommon problem , Having the inside work regulated to ease if not fully cure or the simplest old bodge is to tighten the forend so that there is less spring through friction .

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