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Chess Problem


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Nope, not if black's last move was G7 to G5 (which incidentally it has to be by reference to the board configuration).






And it's the only way you can get mate in 2.


DM, am I right?



Nicely done Mungler :good:


Going back one move the board would look like this.




Then we start the problem after black has advanced the pawn from g7 to g5




Because black has used the option to move his pawn 2 spaces, thereby avoiding being taken by the white pawn on h6 the en passant rule comes into play giving white the following move.




Black now only has one legal move open to him. He must move to h5




White now has the move Rxh7 and it's checkmate. The black king cannot move into the g-file because of the white king and moving further down the h-file means he remains in check.




I actually solved this one very quickly, faster than my mate who is a much, much better player than I am. I've been playing a lot of chess the last couple of weeks and by sheer coincidence I'd looked up the en passant rule just a couple of hours before being given the problem. Otherwise I freely admit I would never have solved it.

Edited by Danger-Mouse
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