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22 and 17hmr barrel length


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looking at a 22 and 17hmr cz452 varmint in 16" barrel


I have searched and read that the 22 will function fine at 16!"


I have also read the 17hmr needs a barrel of 19"+ to burn off the powder what are your thoughts?


Please do not respond with:


I use a 16" 17hmr :/


I want clear pros and cons with reasons please

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most of the powder is burnt up straight away theres only a little bit left at 16" if any i dont really no but its no biggie you will lose a small amount of velocity but you get a shorter lighter rifle depends on what you want.


varmintal's has a velcoity/barrel length chart for the 17

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looking at a 22 and 17hmr cz452 varmint in 16" barrel


I have searched and read that the 22 will function fine at 16!"


I have also read the 17hmr needs a barrel of 19"+ to burn off the powder what are your thoughts?


Please do not respond with:


I use a 16" 17hmr :/


I want clear pros and cons with reasons please


I have seen somewhere that if you have a short barrel on a HMR the powder is still burning in the mod, so it is better not to buy a cheap mod.

i had my barrel chopped to my HMR to 15" (better to shoot from truck with) and have never had any problems with it - consistantly head shoot rabbits out to 150yrds.

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looking at a 22 and 17hmr cz452 varmint in 16" barrel


I have searched and read that the 22 will function fine at 16!"


I have also read the 17hmr needs a barrel of 19"+ to burn off the powder what are your thoughts?


Please do not respond with:


I use a 16" 17hmr :/


I want clear pros and cons with reasons please


I have seen somewhere that if you have a short barrel on a HMR the powder is still burning in the mod, so it is better not to buy a cheap mod.

i had my barrel chopped to my HMR to 15" (better to shoot from truck with) and have never had any problems with it - consistantly head shoot rabbits out to 150yrds.


Same here :/

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Interesting statement from the shootingtimes site:


"Published experiments on how barrel length affects muzzle velocity have been done with the .22 Long Rifle, and from those experiments it has been concluded that generally any barrel length greater than 18 inches is actually causing the .22 Long Rifle bullet to slow down"

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