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The Last Alaskans


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I assume you're watching a re-run Hamster or is there a second series? I thought it was fantastic and beautifully shot. You really got the feeling of isolation and although I could be wrong the people involved appear to be the real deal.


It was a breath of fresh air compared to the other more popular Alaskan programmes featuring

people just about surviving in the wilderness but somehow managing to be 20st+! If they fail to get a deer with their AR15 they go to the shop!


Sons of Winter was also worth watching but hasn't made a second series. Audiences obviously prefer the false peril etc of Mountain Men,Alaskan Bush People etc.



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I assume you're watching a re-run Hamster or is there a second series? I thought it was fantastic and beautifully shot. You really got the feeling of isolation and although I could be wrong the people involved appear to be the real deal.


It was a breath of fresh air compared to the other more popular Alaskan programmes featuring

people just about surviving in the wilderness but somehow managing to be 20st+! If they fail to get a deer with their AR15 they go to the shop!


Sons of Winter was also worth watching but hasn't made a second series. Audiences obviously prefer the false peril etc of Mountain Men,Alaskan Bush People etc.




I tend to watch all such programmes so probably missed recording this one first time round. They are all entertaining in their own way but this one is different because they really focus on the human level. It takes you right into their homes and minds but still leaves some obvious gaps to be filled by your own imagination, watching Bob get old is worrying even though we obviously don't know him, watching his daughter do all those amazing things despite her health issues is just so humbling.

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Ive enjoyed it but I'm sure I've watched at least 2 series if not 3?


I'm still really into Life Below Zero


We are on series 3 of that and have also had 2 mini series called The Thaw, from what I checked there are 4 main series so after this one there will be the final one,


Andy, one of the people has a real affinity with his dogs and it's really impressive to see how they interact with him.


Alaskan a Bush people should have never left the cutting room floor it's terrible!!


Mountain Men is good watching

Alaska the last frontier is quite good but can be staged

The other one (In the town of Tanana) can also be a bit staged but I still like it.


They show a different harder way of life



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I have been watching Life Below Zero on the travel channel it is very interesting but one has to think some of these people live all alone hundreds of miles from help just one accident slip on the ice brake a leg and they could be dead.


I am not a lover of crowded places but the thought of being by myself for months on end would drive me mad its different if you have your family with you apart from that I do not like being cold so it would be no good for me.

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I was watching some episodes that I had recorded tonight and I have to say that while I have nothing against these people shooting animals for food and fur it did annoy me when they had a big fox come near to where they was camping but they would not shoot it as it would damage the pelt they want it to step in one of there traps and eventually freeze to death with one leg caught in the trap I find that disgusting.

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I was watching some episodes that I had recorded tonight and I have to say that while I have nothing against these people shooting animals for food and fur it did annoy me when they had a big fox come near to where they was camping but they would not shoot it as it would damage the pelt they want it to step in one of there traps and eventually freeze to death with one leg caught in the trap I find that disgusting.

But any that are still alive in a trap they shoot ?.

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But any that are still alive in a trap they shoot ?.

I did see that with the big cat after being there for a day or two with its foot/leg caught in a trap they then go and shoot it another one that made me laugh was they go hunting large animals but only take four or five bullets with them so that he has to kill the wounded animal with a knife.

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