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Brexit rant....(not art' 50)


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well that about takes the bloody biscuit.........the EU negociating team front "men".....


1st one is a bloody surrender monkey laying down the law....a person whose countries banks are like a full leaking petrol tank ...stuffed with ero's just waiting for someone to flick a lighted fag end under.....


and the 2nd one.......the utter muppet with a centre parting who nigel farage would dearly love to shove a rusty saxon spear straight up his belgium chocolate exitway....also laying down the law ...and what a bloody hipocrite......


they are what i term as EU "toenail" member countries ...as they are so far up the EU's rear passage, that is all that is sticking out...............they must think they are something special.........................the people who will decide on what sort of Exit we have ...are... the importers , exporters, business men, traders, manufacture sector, not some bloody bunch over overpaid parasitic bloodsuckers...............


not a good start..................aaannnd they have laid down the law as to no trade contacts with the other 27 member states or the rest of the none eu countries....................."get outa here".............

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If you think their team has shortcomings, what about ours? :lol: No doubt replacements are due.




fair comment.................but i think we as you say..........will adjust our team...................they wont i suspect cause no other will want to do it as "the elephant has a long memory"




Bloody Heseltine is on now.....................they should have kicked him out and shoved him in clink after the Westmorland thingy...........and the pergor damn...and the songea makambako road arms for aid scandal.................arrogant muppet

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Barnsley Dave free to join the PW Brexit Squad?

He'll cost them millions...all them office doors in Strasbourg & Brussels...he'll love it!



the doors in brussells are proberly made from good british oak....he will have his work cut out...

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