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Gmb 30/3/17


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Just listening to this ,and they have Alistair Campbell on talking about his depression. And of course he managed to have a dig at brexit,

I'm sick of hearing people like him telling us we are not educated enough to understand what we voted for,

He and his ilk are the worst kind of snake oil salesmen.

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Part of the self appointed facist liberal elite who know best and better than anyone else.


Indeed, Facebook and other forums are full of rabid Remoaners - if you want to tip one of those types over the edge you just have to remind them that your uneducated simpleton vote still cancels out their super clever and well thought out vote :lol:


What they don't get is that we're all in the same boat now and on the same journey - so suck it up and buckle up, it's going to be a bumpy ride.

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Champagne socialist of new liebour ,they all want the status quo back,doff your forelock and do as they say.If there,s no E.U membership how can they get a nice job in Belgium with lots of expense claims.Tony Bliar and somebody called Clegg want us to stop being silly as we dont know what we are doing,news flash yes we do .The people of europe went this job killing bunch of stupid law making unelected pillocks gone.

Why should we pay for them to bounce between 2 office blocks every 6 months and tell us if u sell in Lbs and ounces your off to jail as the Germans and french use kilos ,the list of rubbish firms have had to implement because of their legislation is a crazy .How much job creation money has gone on the enforcing of stupid .

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Champagne socialist of new liebour ,they all want the status quo back,doff your forelock and do as they say.If there,s no E.U membership how can they get a nice job in Belgium with lots of expense claims.Tony Bliar and somebody called Clegg want us to stop being silly as we dont know what we are doing,news flash yes we do .The people of europe went this job killing bunch of stupid law making unelected pillocks gone.

Why should we pay for them to bounce between 2 office blocks every 6 months and tell us if u sell in Lbs and ounces your off to jail as the Germans and french use kilos ,the list of rubbish firms have had to implement because of their legislation is a crazy .How much job creation money has gone on the enforcing of stupid .

Totally agree with this

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Champagne socialist of new liebour ,they all want the status quo back,doff your forelock and do as they say.If there,s no E.U membership how can they get a nice job in Belgium with lots of expense claims.Tony Bliar and somebody called Clegg want us to stop being silly as we dont know what we are doing,news flash yes we do .The people of europe went this job killing bunch of stupid law making unelected pillocks gone.

Why should we pay for them to bounce between 2 office blocks every 6 months and tell us if u sell in Lbs and ounces your off to jail as the Germans and french use kilos ,the list of rubbish firms have had to implement because of their legislation is a crazy .How much job creation money has gone on the enforcing of stupid .


You forgot to mention the Greedy Kinnocks.

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