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Kids iPad control

team tractor

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I'm after an app to monitor my sons ipad. Has anyone a recommendation?

The guy at mid counties gunshop told me about an app where he can monitor his kids iPad from his phone.

Much depends on what you mean by monitor e.g. In real time or after the event "history".

Once they learn how to use "Settings - Safari - Clear history and website data" you'll never know what he has watched.

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We have tried many parental control apps for our 7 yr olds android tablet and we settled on one called SCREEN TIME PARENTAL CONTROL.


i assume it will be available for Apple devices.


We can control what apps he can use, also you can apply daily time limits and cut off times too. So if he uses up his daily limit in one session it's tough luck. It's really easy to use.


You can control it from your own phone or tablet remotely too and when he won't come down for his dinner we can simply send a message to his tab and stop his use at any point.


We tried many other free apps that were okay but none, we felt, offered the control that this one does.


I think it costs​ us a couple of quid a month which really is peanuts.



Edited by belly47
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