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Shooting gallery - Glasgow

neil w

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The words from a ?. Sycophantic !!.

Errm no just providing a view on your post. Assume thats what you were expecting when posting on here.


I would divert my energies into making a complaint from your perspective of the situation to the health board in question they all have complaints procedures and as I understand it the turnaround is quite quick these days.

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Erm, really. Read my posts.

Erm, they're not facts, they're your experiences and opinions. Both of which your more than entitled to. But so are others, and they don't have to be the same as yours. Great isn't it 👍

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Errm no just providing a view on your post. Assume thats what you were expecting when posting on here.


I would divert my energies into making a complaint from your perspective of the situation to the health board in question they all have complaints procedures and as I understand it the turnaround is quite quick these days.

It would fall, on deaf ears. I'm sure.

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I'm not up - tight. As you say !!. I'm stating facts. What are you smoking man.


The facts are you have 3 options with drug addicts.


1) You can ignore them. That doesn't work though, they're not going to go away just because you pretend they don't exist.


2) You can treat them as criminals. If you want to follow that route then take a look at America which has more incarcerated people than anywhere else in the world and yet still has just as high a rate of drug use as anywhere else. You can like it or lump it, but prohibition does not, and will never, work.


3) You can acknowledge that drug abuse is an illness that needs to be treated. If you want to follow that route take a look at Portugal who decriminalized drugs 16 years ago and now has an overdose rate of 3 in 1 million as opposed to the EU average of 17.3 per million or our own UK rate of 44.6 per million. They have also seen a reduction in HIV deaths/cases. "The rate of new HIV infections in Portugal has fallen precipitously since 2001, the year its law took effect, declining from 1,016 cases to only 56 in 2012. Overdose deaths decreased from 80 the year that decriminalization was enacted to only 16 in 2012. In the US, by comparison, more than 14,000 people died in 2014 from prescription opioid overdoses alone."



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I'm not arguing with you, your original post was about a centre for drug users opening near you and I gave my opinion on that. You have had a bad experience at the hospital with your daughter for which I genuinely have sympathy with you.

However, when I've had cause to visit my hospital with the kids or for myself I've never had to wait behind cues of drug addicts to get seen.

We obviously have very different views on this subject so I think now would be a good time to agree to disagree.

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I'm not arguing with you, your original post was about a centre for drug users opening near you and I gave my opinion on that. You have had a bad experience at the hospital with your daughter for which I genuinely have sympathy with you.

However, when I've had cause to visit my hospital with the kids or for myself I've never had to wait behind cues of drug addicts to get seen.

We obviously have very different views on this subject so I think now would be a good time to agree to disagree.


I'm not here to argue either. You put you're input, that you believe. And so did I.

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Its a disgrace those junkies are allowed to be treated before the drunks.



What about those who are faking sick for their huge benefits they get? Is that fair? What preference in the que do they get? 😂😂


The OP may want to look up what TREATING drug users does. Last time I researched it properly (3 years ago for an academic paper) it was well know that for every £1 spent of rehabilitation drug users, we as a country saved £5 on reduced use of the NHS, Police, reduced crime, reduced use of the criminal justice system, reduce disease and illness.


That's a cold hard fact! We SAVE MONEY through these types of projects, 4x more than they cost of average.


But I suppose it's easier to be ignorant and wish the unfortunate dead then actually educate yourself on the topic, help another human being and save the country money.

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