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VHD or Mixy?

Alpha Mule

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Had a good (for me) night last night and managed 6 rabbit and spotted a fox too far out for a shot with the LR.


1 had crusty eyes (I suspect Mixy) - yellow pee

1 fine - yellow pee

1 fine - no pee

1 no eyes left due to shot placement - yellow pee

2 fine - blood in pee (dark red anyway)


All head shot, from 3 warrens in the same field, all looked healthy other than the above.


Didn't unzip them as I left my knives at home - Doh!



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Had a good (for me) night last night and managed 6 rabbit and spotted a fox too far out for a shot with the LR.


1 had crusty eyes (I suspect Mixy) - yellow pee

1 fine - yellow pee

1 fine - no pee

1 no eyes left due to shot placement - yellow pee

2 fine - blood in pee (dark red anyway)


All head shot, from 3 warrens in the same field, all looked healthy other than the above.


Didn't unzip them as I left my knives at home - Doh!



Red pee is a normal state for rabbits.

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Rabbit HD it is not normal to find them unlike Myxi where they are always pottering about suffering. On areas where I have suddenly almost overnight gone from dozens of rabbits out and about to nothing and no bodies it is VRHD. So sounds like yours is the enslaught of myxi to me. I had contact about 15yrs ago with a Prof over in Cambridge who was doing research on RHD and sent him a sample body of a rabbit from the area where we had gone from hundreds ..no kiddin ...to zero in 48hrs. He said they die below ground and only very young rabbits normally survive.

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I remember reading about this year's ago in the countryman's weekly, the 1st strain was too good,it didn't work as it was meant to. It wiped out the rabbits in that colony only, the idea was that it was meant to spread over a wide area. An awful introduction over here, but I suppose not as bad as mixy, the length of sickness before death in mixy can be weeks. At least with VRHD it's just day's.

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