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steel shotgun cartriges


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Can any one tell me can you put steel through a Remington 1100 I am being told by one gun shop that you (shall remain anonymous) and another that you can.can any one put me right . they have said that you have too use Remington shot gun shells


That's a new one on me. :hmm: You can put steel shot through any modern nitro proofed gun, whether it's steel shot proof or not.

Although I have put HV steel through a non steel shot proofed 3/4 choked gun in the past, I would recommend nothing tighter than half.

Edited to say this is in my own personal experience.

Edited by Scully
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Can any one tell me can you put steel through a Remington 1100 I am being told by one gun shop that you (shall remain anonymous) and another that you can.can any one put me right . they have said that you have too use Remington shot gun shells

been told that these shots are what buy RemingtonSST12S2 veloccity 1365 1onceshot 7shots SST126 1365 velocity 1. 7 shot SST 12S4 1375 1 1/8 4shots

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Taken from the Remington help center https://www.remington.com/support/help-center


We do not recommend the use of steel shot through any barrel manufactured before 1963 or through any barrel having a fixed Full choke. Anything larger would not perform well out of a fixed full choke and could open up your muzzle over time.

If you have barrels manufactured after 1963, with fixed Modified or Improved Cylinder chokes, you may shoot up to size #2 steel shot. The use of steel shot larger than size #2 is only recommended in modern barrels with the Rem Choke system.

If you have the Rem Choke system, you may shoot any size steel through the Improved Cylinder and Modified choke tubes. The Full choke tube must state "For Steel or Lead" to be capable of handling steel shot.

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