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Hide building - plants


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Some members of the club I am in and I are considering putting in some hides to allow better access to the foreshore.


There are already one or two spots that all we need to do is put in a seat, thinking a scaffold plank sat across two approx 1ft high posts to sit down on.


There are one or two other spots that we would like to add a hide but may need a bit of cover, we are considering driving down some posts and putting chicken wire across the posts and looking at what plants / reeds will grow up the wire to form a good cover.


Any suggestion on plants or plans for this?


It would be beneficial as some of are members aren't as fit and able as others and the ability to sit rather than lie on the ground in some spots will make a big difference!

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The question to ask would be what already grows on your saltmarsh.


Anything that you plant would have to be salt tolerant and noninvasive, which pretty much leaves you with what is already there.


On a private saltmarsh that I shot a few years ago, we had 4 hides which consisted of 5 poles driven into the top with hide netting around with gap to get in and out and a hole to put your feet in when sat down.

Edited by Penelope
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Only the bottoms of the nets got wet on big spring tides. They held up well for the 3 seasons that they were there before the marsh was lost to a higher bidder.


Will it all float away on the first high tide?

You could drive in 5 posts & wrap with green netting as long as it don't sit in the water as it will wash away or collect **** washed up.

Like the man said

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