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Too many misses


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Yep I know. What Hushpower do you have? I had a Mossberg before and tried various things; ghost ring and the luminous stick on sight, but found I ended up fixated with sights and not looking at the target. Funny you should mention the similarity with side by side, I have an old AYA Yeoman that I paid £95 for and I probably shoot best with that out of all my guns. But I need the quiet of the Hushers. And yes I do own my own workshop, but we are a two and half man team (my youngest son only works half day) and I am still the main money earner. It's not easy and the outgoings are considerable, giving lots of poor night's sleep. I'm a worrier though wish I wasn't, hence here on PW at such an early hour.

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shoot the 4/10 mossy ok, just ordered the 20 so that should be interesting after all the comment's.


Most of the comments and the OP's original question was about the o/u Hushpower, not the pump action version.

I found the 20ga pump very unwieldy and front heavy, which is why it fires low, unless you compensate appropriately.

One of my friends has one and he is deadly with it and there are a few more on here than do well with them.

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Hoping nobody thinks we're dissing the Mossy or any other gun for that matter. I also found the Mossberg I had, nose heavy and awkward to carry. The Pedretti and Investerarm are more user friendly in my humble opinion, but at the moment I'm missing the target a lot of the time, so what do I know 😁 Golf? Now there's a useless pastime, nearly as bad as football or criket 😙

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Just found some info regarding Hushers stocks always being too low and if you are looking flat along the moderator, it will shoot low and I know I'm doing this. I have been trying my best to get just the bead in my line of sight, with no rib (if it had one) visible. It seems to be that people are advising that a raised comb and seeing the top of the moderator brings the POI up. Sounds sensible to me. Also it means you see the target instead of covering it, which if not careful could get you into the bad habit of lifting your head off. I'm going to try a makeshift comb raise to try and prove this.

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All very interesting , as I have never had one of the guns you are referring to I am not qualified to comment on how you shoot with it , but as you are finding hitting anything consistently fairly difficult, is owning this type of gun really necessary and with your time being limited to work commitments couldn't you use a type of gun you are more happy ? .

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Yeah I know what you're saying, but my shoots tend to be near houses and not everyone understands the need for pest control. The Hushpower allows me to be be less intrusive. I think maybe I'm just more under pressure than I realized, what with the workshop move, family issues, mum's increasing dementia, poor sleep pattern, it's had an effect on my shooting. Things are changing for the better, albeit slowly. Confidence in my abilities has dropped. Can only go up from here. Hope that's not too much personal info. Cheers guys.

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