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Wild Goose Chase


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So, over the weekend I decided to have a bash at building a layout blind. Where I live there is no cover, no dykes brush, nothing to hide behind. A rake about the garage found the makings of one.


With mk1 fully fabbed and ready to go, I took a turn out on Monday morning. The birds didn't play ball but it gave me a chance to work out the kinks with the blind. Also got a good look at where the birds want to be.


So after frantic mods on Monday afternoon, Tuesday morning beckoned. New location, improved blind, ready to go.


Well, all I can say is the blind works! Let the first skein come in and land just to see what would happen. All sound, they were none the wiser until they looked a the deeks a bit. Thought I had blown my only chance of a goose, as it was almost an hour until the next group arrived.

They came in beautifully, paddles down was my q to burst out and take a shot. I missed with the first (way out in front) re-adjusted and took one cleanly. Result!


The they next couple of hours were manic, and I could have shot at a load more geese, but I stuck only to geese that had decoyed fully and we're well within range(>40yds).


Also had the best experience when a couple of curlew landed right next to me! Could've reached out and touched them!


I learnt alot, particularly about blind placement, and also highlighted a couple of improvements to be made to the blind.


Overall a memorable morning, could've stayed and taken more, but for me I took more than I usually do so the bounty will be shared with the neighbours.





Edited by Highlandladdie
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Well done on the blind and the geese Ladie, some pictures of your creation would not go amiss i have often thought about making one of them as i could never aford one, had a good week up in the highlands last week took 19 in the week between the two of us all forshore was good to see the geese build up in one area through Monday enjoyed every minute of it. Up again next week.

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I made one for the Foreshore using a beach mat with a bit of old netting attached to it with different bits of hessian rope tied to the netting, it bends in with the bladderrack and other bits of shore debris pretty well.

Last week while lying on the shore waiting for daybreak a blackbird landed right by my head and the alarm call it made when it realised i was there nearly made me soil my blind...it scared the **** out of me .


Here is a pic of the sort of beach mat i used, it comes with a shoulder strap for carrying and it also has a couple of pockets that i can keep cartridges in.



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Lancer...where were you shooting?

19 between 2 on the Foreshore sounds like a good week!

Northern firths went first to a notorious one was where we witnessed the pinks coming in, was getting busy by Tuesday so moved to another area, was on our own in there bagged up fresh in birds we got away on our own Tuesday nigh and all wednesday and a pair of local fowler’s Thursday morning went ducking Thursday night ended up witnessing more pinks coming in.

Got up Friday our little realm of seclusion was polluted by 3 vehicles full of eager wildfowlers just like ourselves, not being anti social but respectfull we had had our share and of course liking our own company we backed out speed off and ended up on the morray firth where although breaking dawn when we got in position we were alone and got two greys. Not wanting to ruin a perfect week and my pals gun with issues we set of back down after the flight. Enjoyed it.

Edited by lancer425
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Thank you lads.


The blind is made out of 2 old 68mm downpipes for the main spars. these are joined together with plastic conduit and wood. All a bit rough but mk3 will be sleeker. Then covered with 2 camo nets. 1 for the main body and one for the door.


Only downside is its bulky and needs the car to take it down the machair. But it is light, so if I can package it better it could be carried


I'll take some pics today

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Some pics of my blind.


As you can see, it was a real scrap heap challenge. It's rough but it works.


The main spars are 68mm downpipes with legs of 20mm plastic conduit. For transporting the legs pop out, but the main body is one peice. I hope to remedy this with the next version.



For comfort I made a wedge with scrap wood about 10" high and tied am old towel to it for comfort /posture whilst watching for geese. An old bit of lino does for a ground sheet.




My first version didn't have a door, but after the first morning I found that it is essential. Also to have the door area raised so that you can easily look around you.




I made the door from spare 20mm conduit and assorted accessories. The hinge is 2x saddles on the RHS as you look at it. I've since painted the conduit so it doesn't stand out as much.


For camo I used 2 old camo nets, 1 for the door and one for the rest. The door camo is just cable tied on, but the rest of the blind is tied to the downpipes with twine, and them using old tent pegs stretched out to soften the outline. For cover I've seen the avery shadow grass, so inspired by this I went and got some hay. I cable toyed this into hand sized bundles which I then cable tied to the camo nets.


End result is below.




Still got improvements to make, like make it more portable and quicker to assemble. Also 2 doors would be a big improvement, as anything the slides to your lhs is tricky as it takes a bit longer to get the door right open.


Overall I'm happy

Edited by Highlandladdie
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