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Which Rifle for Foxes


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I want to apply for a variation and have been considering 2 different rifles and its gonna be either a .223 or 22-250, Which do think would be better for a dedicated Foxing rifle.


I know i've got a .243 down for foxing & deer Stalking but would just like another rifle for the 1 purpose :yes:


what are your thoughts Boys (and Girls of course :lol: ).

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i dont shoot centrefire so my opinion does count really just what i read juse depends on use for a dedicated foxing rifle the .22/250 would be brilliant my dad shot one for years and accounted alot of dear with it as well.


But for shooting at a range .223 is what everyone uses alot more rifles chambered custom jobs etc ammo is dirt cheap and fully available and barrel wear that people seem to be worried about.


But as i said for a fox rifle if your reloading cant beat the .22/250 well maybe with a swift

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agree with P there


If you want a dedicated foxing rifle and it has to be 22/250 or a .223 then the smart choice is always the 22/250. More energy and faster.


as he also points out though is that if it was for target shooting and foxing then the .223 starts to come back a bit.


You reload though so that would keep ammo costs down but the 22/250 is a fast round which supposedly wears the barrel out quicker (I've not had a centerfire long to wear a barrel out) so this may be a consideration


A few guys at the range I go to in Ireland use borderl barrels for their F class rifles.


Those varmint ones look class but how much are they??

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A few guys at the range I go to in Ireland use borderl barrels for their F class rifles.


Those varmint ones look class but how much are they??


Circa £2500 I think was the price I was quoted last time I asked.

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dont really want to spend another £2500 on another (everyday use) Rifle - wife may hit the roof :yes:


Thought as much, hence I was saying to sell the Sako & not bother with a 223 or 22-250...just add a few more funds and get one...or don't, as you'll make me insanely jealous if you do!! :lol:

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Other thing about .22/250 is that they are an accurate round so you could pick up a CZ for not very much in 22/250 and will shot sub moa.


Whats said is right who shoots foxes at over 200yards i ranged the end of my field in front of my house at 280yards and i couldnt imagine shoot quarry at that distance 100yards does it for me at the moment.

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How many shots will be taken over 200yds?:yes:???

A .222 or a .223 will be all that is needed for a dedicated foxing rifle…and a lot cheaper on powder.



Yes, but, regardless of a bit more cost, will it niggle at you knowing how much better a 22-250 performs? If you know it won't get to you, go for the 223.

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What surprised me was that in dougy's 22/250 his homeloads sat the bullet a further 3/16" out the cartridge at the very least compared to most factory examples which I witnessed grouping no better than 3" at 100yds .The conclusion I came to was the factory ammo must sit way off the rifling .Not sure but to kiss the lands on his Sako 75 there ain't much of a 50 grn bullet inserted into the brass .


I'm sticking to my .223 ....200yds at night is plenty far enough and them shot's to be safe you can count on one hand anyway when out Foxing :good:

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