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Looking for some clarity if a land owner was to sign a permission slip giving my syndicate shooting rights over say 4/5 thousand acres (rough shooting )would I be able to allow friends  in my syndicate group to shoot over said land if I keep a log of who is shooting and keep a register of sgc and insurance . As we know land is hard to get  but as a chef in a village pub and now my daughter is at another village pub it’s easier and I want to share my land out to those who struggle and I don’t think it’s a good idea to hand in say 50 slips to be signed or would I sign their slips 



Edited by crazycooker
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A landowner signing a permission slip doesn't give you shooting rights.  It gives you permission to shoot, the landowner will retain the rights.  You need to ask the landowner if he/she is happy for you to give free-reign to others, or if they need to be accompanied, or whatever.

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Your a bit all over the place mate, need to clarify a few things. 

You say rights for your syndicate - if your friends are in this syndicate and the syndicate has acquired permission to shoot over the land - then they should be ok to shoot there - depending on the terms of your agreement with the land owner. 

Is this the case? 

Are you paying to shoot on the land? 

Are you going to let non-members also shoot on the land? If I joined a syndicate and they let non-members shoot on the land I’d question what’s the point of being a member - if it’s a proper syndicate then everyone should pay membership etc. 

What is your agreement with the land owner? If I gave someone permission and they started inviting loads of other people to my land I’d tell them all to P off and don’t come back - also how do you know these random shooters will respect the land etc? 


It all juat seems seems a bit of an odd situation really ... 


edited for a typo 

Edited by Lloyd90
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1 hour ago, Lloyd90 said:

It all juat seems seems a bit of an odd situation really ... 

I would agree.

Moreover, the OP seems to be speculating about a possible future event yet to happen. Quote ".. If a landowner WAS to sign a permission slip.....". If this is the case then the OP should clarify his requirements with the landowner and incorporate as much as is possible in to the permission slip so that there is no room for error as errors can cause the loss of permission.

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