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I dont understand!

Danger Mouse

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Can anyone tell me how a thread that has received over 1500 hits on just a few days and also 5 pages of replies is deemed to have run its course and is closed by Cranfield.

During this thread I never saw any bad language, or anyone calling anyone (ie Mods) anything bad! Was it just that the thread topic was uncomfortable?

Personally I thought that the thread was interesting, I know that several other people did too, to say that it had run its course when people were still viewing and posting was IMO very strange.... :good:

Maybe this thread will be deleted now for asking this question, I don't know! But it can't be good for the site to have this happen..

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The facts are that Kirky was booted after several warnings etc. He tested the mods patience to the limit, and beyond.


I guess that it obvious that the mods are not going to tollerate Kirky, nor any reincarnation thereof again. Therefore I feel that everyone has had their say, and the thread become superfluous, and Cranfield decided to pull the plug. Fair enough by me. Kirky had his chances and blew the lot.



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Can anyone tell me how a thread that has received over 1500 hits on just a few days and also 5 pages of replies is deemed to have run its course and is closed by Cranfield.



Because he can !! :yes::good:

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for goodness sake is this just a excuse for another witch hunt.if none of us are happy with the way this site is run then we all know what we can do about it .so please get over it




Not a witch hunt at all Suzy, it was simply a question as to why such a popular thread would be deemed to have run it's course when it clearly had'nt!

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Can anyone tell me how a thread that has received over 1500 hits on just a few days and also 5 pages of replies is deemed to have run its course and is closed by Cranfield.


Well it had been a whole one hour & three minutes since anybody posted anything to that thread, before Cranfield's post to say it had "run it's course."


Call me a cynic if you like, but the 'YES' camp vote had reached dangerously close to the 'NO' camp vote, with just one vote in it & the 'NO' brigade only having receiving ONE vote in the previous 24 hours !!!



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The topic had been there long enough and every one had chance to contribute and some did, more than once.


The results of the poll may have been interesting, but they were irrelevant, because no decisions were going to be changed as a result of it.


The thread ceased to have any real purpose and was closed.

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The topic had been there long enough and every one had chance to contribute and some did, more than once.


The results of the poll may have been interesting, but they were irrelevant, because no decisions were going to be changed as a result of it.


The thread ceased to have any real purpose and was closed.


Right, but what about other threads that have'nt been posted on for months then? I just can't see why it was stopped, however you have your reason and I respect that..

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The topic had been there long enough and every one had chance to contribute and some did, more than once.


The results of the poll may have been interesting, but they were irrelevant, because no decisions were going to be changed as a result of it.


The thread ceased to have any real purpose and was closed.


So the thread on fishy knickers for sale on eBay has real purpose then? :good:


We all know that the Five Modsketeers wouldn't let Kirky back on here, so why didn't you just ignore the thread and let it fizzle out? It wasn't doing any harm.

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So the thread on fishy knickers for sale on eBay has real purpose then? :yes:


Yet the thread remains even though the eBay item in question has become an "Invalid Item", (so I have been told :good: )



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So the thread on fishy knickers for sale on eBay has real purpose then? :blush:


Yet the thread remains even though the eBay item in question has become an "Invalid Item", (so I have been told :good: )



E by gum its getting very intreging. im of to bed. cos i cant spell intr++g :yes:

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o come on i may be blonde but am not stupid . if this is not a witch hunt then my names mary poppins









Well Mary, you seem to have totally mis-understood my question! At what point have I knocked anyone in my original question? All I have asked is a simple question that I felt needed a reply. I don't understand why you have the view that it is a witch hunt, but maybe you are used to it so expect that all questions to members (note that I did not ask the Mods!) are nothing other than **** stirring! Well Miss Poppins, it was not intended as a witch hunt, mod baiting or any other sauded entertainment.

I guess that we still have'nt got the real reason, and maybe never will, the explanation from Cranfield was at best weak but he has had the courtesy to reply without spitting his dummy out! and I for one thank him for that, As to Mary Poppns, well I guess "A spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down!"



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