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Premium Bonds


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30 minutes ago, Munzy said:

It’s a renovation budget so it has been decreasing over the year but if I was looking for a long term investment then Premium Bonds would be the last on my list.

Thats fair. Ive got a very small amount in them. Normally get £25 every so often but its money I can call on if i ever need to. 

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1 hour ago, ShootingEgg said:

Thats fair. Ive got a very small amount in them. Normally get £25 every so often but its money I can call on if i ever need to. 

That’s why I’ve stuck with it, the money isn’t supposed to be sat somewhere for very long and I need access to it sporadically. The gambler in me said, “You never know, might win £1m!”.

As a long term investment though it just doesn’t stack-up.

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2 hours ago, Munzy said:

That’s why I’ve stuck with it, the money isn’t supposed to be sat somewhere for very long and I need access to it sporadically. The gambler in me said, “You never know, might win £1m!”.

As a long term investment though it just doesn’t stack-up.

Do share any decent long term knowledge,  I’m getting 0.25% on the money sat in my savings account! 

The money in my stocks and shares ISA is up and down daily but I imagine come the end of the year it’ll be much better off than in the bank! 

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22 hours ago, McSpredder said:

Similar story here.   Was given my £2 worth when they were first issued in 1956-57, never had a prize.    Bought a brand new BSA Cadet the same year for £6-12s, sold it 10 years later for £5, and it gave me a lot more pleasure than those Bonds.   Of course, either Ricko or I might win the big prize next month.....

If you had kept your B S A Cadet in good condition it would have given you very good interest if sold at today prices , if we had only known then what we know now :yes: 

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2 hours ago, marsh man said:

If you had kept your B S A Cadet in good condition it would have given you very good interest if sold at today prices , if we had only known then what we know now :yes: 

If we’d of known we’d all buy shares in Microsoft, Apple, Bitcoin and all the rest and never worry about selling air rifles ?

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