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Ravens and SNH


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Watching Scottish TV  this evening a piece about Scottish Natural Heritage considering licensing the shooting of ravens to protect nesting waders, there were some lovely scenes with the voice-over describing the life, sight and sound of the beautiful Curlew, sadly the footage was of a Lapwing..:|

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49 minutes ago, islandgun said:

Watching Scottish TV  this evening a piece about Scottish Natural Heritage considering licensing the shooting of ravens to protect nesting waders, there were some lovely scenes with the voice-over describing the life, sight and sound of the beautiful Curlew, sadly the footage was of a Lapwing..

It's  about time organisations such as SNH, NRW and NE challenged the protectionists! Controlling predators is vital in conserving waders such as Curlew, Golden Plover, Lapwing etc!

The fact that the TV luvvies don't know the difference between a Curlew and a Lapwing doesn't surprise me in the least!

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11 minutes ago, panoma1 said:

It's  about time organisations such as SNH, NRW and NE challenged the protectionists! Controlling predators is vital in conserving waders such as Curlew, Golden Plover, Lapwing etc!

The fact that the TV luvvies don't know the difference between a Curlew and a Lapwing doesn't surprise me in the least!

Our township has a licence for raven control. mostly for lambing time,   SNH must be looking at Ravens re wader predation, especially when you consider the amount of money spent in these Islands on Mink extermination over the last twenty years,

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