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11 hours ago, Penelope said:

It's my understanding that the reason behind light skin colour is the absorption of sunlight and the production of vitamin D.

Not according to a black workmate in Liberia.         Their folk law says that they used to bathe in a certain river and that  they were White but as the river dried out it  now only covers the palms of their hands and soles of their feet. Their story not mine.

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4 hours ago, 39TDS said:

Michael Jackson managed it in one generation.

It surprises me that they had always classed Neanderthals as a bit dim and now they are saying they were brighter. Also surprises me they haven't suggested slavery or even sex slaves as an explanation to integration.

U beat me too it.


Genetics are a fascinating subject, nust admit don't know much about the hunan stuff.

U get in genotype's an phenotypes as well as dominat and ressecive genes it all can get quite complicated quite quickly, esp considering how relatively modern/new DNA sequancing is


But when u look at some of the animal studies on genetics its amazing wether fruit flies, or the finches from galapogus etc

Even closer to home on Rhum there is a study of there wild Soay sheep has 2 different coats types, and that there coat type changes with population density as it also associated with teeth (1 coat short teeth other longer teeth) 1 feeds better at high populations while the other at low populations and the % coat type is constantly changing to reflect the grazing conditions

I would imagine similar would happen with humans with the 1's with the best features for that environmet thriving and being bigger stronger so breeding more so the genes carry on.

In some island communties kiwis/maori and somaons u get the odd ginger kid which is meant to be a throw back to scottish/irish whalers docking over there couple of hundered years ago

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52 minutes ago, scotslad said:

In some island communties kiwis/maori and somaons u get the odd ginger kid which is meant to be a throw back to scottish/irish whalers docking over there couple of hundered years ago

Its the same round the Scottish Isles, tons of middle eastern and North African DNA from Phonaecian and African traders who visited the Isles over thousands of  years of trade. That's why the islanders were so dark featured

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12 hours ago, Vince Green said:

Its the same round the Scottish Isles, tons of middle eastern and North African DNA from Phonaecian and African traders who visited the Isles over thousands of  years of trade. That's why the islanders were so dark featured


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