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MOT question.


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It must not emit white light, in other words no holes. A crack is ok, but the examiner could fail as the component could be said to be in a state of imminent failure thus rendering the vehicle unsafe. Red insulating tape over a good area of the lens is a failure as it does not filter the light in the same way as a lens should.


Good luck

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For a cheap repair take the lense off, Quality street wrapper over the hole from the inside and secure in place. On the outside place a piece of clear tape of sticky backed plastic (you can see where I get my ideas from!) to add weather proofing.

Not ideal but will pass.


The orange cream one provided a 99% match to my old Ford.

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I've seen a top quality repair done with araldite and food colouring. it's cloudy when wet, but when it sets it turns clear. Put cellotape on the outside then fill the hole with it. Pull off the tape when it's set and it's a rock hard bodge that will be stronger than the rest of the lens! Our jap rear lenses for the vans at work cost about £100 each, so we've tried a few things in the past and this is the best :good:

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I have Googled around and can't find the answer to this one.


My front offside indicator glass/plastic cover, has a piece missing about as big as a postage stamp.

The total unit is about 6"x2".


Is this a MOT fail ?


if the lense is clear plastic with an orange bulb NO it can't fail -if the lense is orange with a clear bulb YES it can fail thats a fact

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