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Icotec mp3 calls


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Hi Lloyd. literally any call might work at the right time. It's not so much which call as what call when and how if at all. Any sort of noise may work at some point. Andy Crow is a fan of polystyrene on glass which just shows what might work at the right time. Last night I called four with hand calls but another night this might just send then running for the hills. 

Often when they are not coming to the call it may be that they have been called a few times and had a bad experience or simply that they have something else on there mind. If we are using electronic it's most likely to be screaming rabbit or baby rabbit or vixen call. It's not great to run through the call list like some sort of fox birthday party lol. I am sure on the ecotec you will mostly have all that you need. Volume too is something to think about. If they might be close you don't want to start too loud. Time of year and what they might be feeding on. If its stubble then maybe squeeks, if its pheasant then maybe pheasant distress. I would usually start with a hand call if there was nothing showing (giving the place some time to calm down after arrival) and then work from there.

I would guess that only 50 % come to a call and others we stalk or just wait them out in a likely spot. If they wont come to us we try to go to them. Hope this helps. 

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