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Set lining ,gill netting at low water mark.


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As a kid in west Cumbria our obsession was set lining.We used to lay a line with maybe 20 to 50 corlene traces of about 18 inch each with a 4/0 baited with lug,shrimp or rag we had ponced off the match anglers.We kept the main line tight between 2 posts with the bait just off the deck(to keep crabs off) near low water mark and check them after a high water.Used to get cod,coalies etc.Best catch was a 12lb cod.deep red from the kelp forest we guessed.

My old mate Dale had gill nets.the one time i did not check it he got a 39lb cod.In local paper naturally.Used to get flatties in summer and dreaded crabs would eat the eyes out.Used to break our backs digging bait all day.

Anybody else do this?Hardly anything on the net on this method of fishing.

Also anybody fish the River Ellen at Maryport?

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myself and brother in law used to set nets on the Kent estuary, we had some good bags, also lost nets due to tides and bad positioning. We gave it up a few years ago due to ill health. I dont mis the early mornings to get out to the nets before the gulls.



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Not done anything like that Vole, legally, but it sounds like fun :P











I can feel a Belaclava moment coming on :lol::lol:


I 'll bring the net, as TC helped me make a dandy this spring :good::blush:





Right matey,


You may well be one of the chosen few but this is your last bloody warning.


There is no fishing with nets, it's not sporting.

There are no dogs capable of catching anything. Please take note anti's

Tiercel is a scounderal with a bounty on his bald pate and you have to ask yourself why?


I really don't wan't to land anyone in trouble but if I have to, it will be the vertically challenged nice guy from another country that Britain used to own.


Love you bruv ;)




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Ah yes... the old groundline as we called it - on Sennen Cove or Gwenver beach. Target was Bass.


Indeed it was backbreaking stuff using a launce hook for the sand eels to go on all those hooks. The occasional time we could use a strip of Garfish eased the chore a little.

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We called them "trot lines" and use to set them in the Thames and Medway estuary.

The catch was mostly flounder and a few codling and whiting in the Winter, but you had to follow the tide out, or the seagulls (and baitdiggers) would rob you of your catch.

This is one of the reasons we stopped doing it.


I also use to set hand lines round the clay lakes at the cement works local to where I lived as a kid.

They were hand made with mostly bailer twine wrapped round a stick and the last 3ft was about 30lb mono.

The weight was old nuts and bolts tied to the twine and I was given a box of about 500 long shanked 3/0 hooks.

Bait was lobworm that the chaps on the floating pontoon would dig from the bank for me, by digging out a few large grab fulls with their crane and I would break the lumps up with a trowel and get the worms ( I had to give the 2 men on the crane some eels in "payment").


The quarry was eels and I would set out about 50 - 60 handlines along about 400 yards of the bank.

When I had finished setting them out, I walked back to the beginning (without walking along the lines - childish I know, but it incresed the expectancy level).

Then I would walk along the lines with a bucket of worms, a box of hooks, a knife and a hessian sack.

When I came to a line that was tight into the water, I would pull it in, cut the mono as close to the eel's mouth as possible, drop the eel into the sack, tie on another hook, bait up and sling it out, then move on to the next one.


I never use to stop to eat, as the lake was full of eels in the spring and summer.

It was important to keep the eels alive , as nobody buys dead uncooked eels.

At about 4pm a chap from the village came along with his van and collected the eels and they went straight to a fishmonger in the local town.

I was paid a fair price for them and earned a lot more at the age of 11 to 15 years catching eels, than I did when I started work full time at the age of 16 in an office, (which is why I kept catching the eels).

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Not done anything like that Vole, legally, but it sounds like fun :P











I can feel a Belaclava moment coming on ;)???


I 'll bring the net, as TC helped me make a dandy this spring :good::blush:





Right matey,


You may well be one of the chosen few but this is your last bloody warning.


There is no fishing with nets, it's not sporting.

There are no dogs capable of catching anything. Please take note anti's

Tiercel is a scounderal with a bounty on his bald pate and you have to ask yourself why?


I really don't wan't to land anyone in trouble but if I have to, it will be the vertically challenged nice guy from another country that Britain used to own.


Love you bruv ;)






Whats the matter Mate, are they closing in again....getting alittle too close.....Not to worry I will draw them off you once again :lol::lol:


Your Brother,



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That sounds like it use to be a fine way to spend your days. :blush:


It reminded me of when I use to set trot lines in the river for channel cats, and the odd sturgeon. Would run a 150 yard 1/4 inch poly main line, which I obtained cutting a deal with a local worker of the lines, with a long shank hook every 3 feet. Used either a 2 foot or 3 foot....alternated along the length of the main..... piece of 30 pound mono as the fish line off the main. Baited with Night Crawlers, which I would collect from the lower paddock the night before using a toarch while walking bent over as they would rise to the surface when the dew settled.


I can remember hauling in some nice 20 pound cats and a few good sturgeon on those trips. Use to take them into the fish market at Dunville in those days. Never made a fortune, but I was never with out money either :P


Then came the day when trot lines and selling your catch became illegel here. Only the longneters were allowed to sell fish from then on :lol: . Mind you I never did miss the line cuts to the fingers and palms. :good:



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