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Rapter Food

pigeon controller

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With the injuction preventing Pigeon Shooting will this mean that the rapter owners will not be able to feed  them pigeons in the future also the reptile owners. Over the past two years all my shot birds have gone down this route as the Human consuption market has just dried up for me. Bunny_Blaster  put me on a social media site specifically for steel shot birds and there is always demand in certain areas of the country. Once the current stock of shot birds have been eaten will they have to return to day old chicks etc which is a poor substitute for a pigeon. This is another area that will be affected  by Mr P.

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Scully I have to applaud your belief in our NE and government, but nothing happens that fast, and its very possible that the new licence for carrion crows will have to be withdrawn and re written as its unfit for purpose, only time will tell and I sincerely hope you are right, as for steel shot birds, the raptor owners will have to go back to buying in dead chickens or what ever they fed them on before we found steel shot that would do the job. This could be the least of our problems.

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1 hour ago, lakeside1000 said:

Scully I have to applaud your belief in our NE and government, but nothing happens that fast, and its very possible that the new licence for carrion crows will have to be withdrawn and re written as its unfit for purpose, only time will tell and I sincerely hope you are right, as for steel shot birds, the raptor owners will have to go back to buying in dead chickens or what ever they fed them on before we found steel shot that would do the job. This could be the least of our problems.

I don’t have any faith in NE at all unfortunately, I just believe we will be forced to return to the former GL with a few tweaks, and within a few weeks, as this updated version is totally impractical with regards the form filling; regarding compliance, it is as weak and as full if gaping holes as the former.

I have mates who own and work raptors, if they have to return to day olds in the interim they will. 

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6 hours ago, pigeon controller said:

With the injuction preventing Pigeon Shooting will this mean that the rapter owners will not be able to feed  them pigeons in the future also the reptile owners. Over the past two years all my shot birds have gone down this route as the Human consuption market has just dried up for me. Bunny_Blaster  put me on a social media site specifically for steel shot birds and there is always demand in certain areas of the country. Once the current stock of shot birds have been eaten will they have to return to day old chicks etc which is a poor substitute for a pigeon. This is another area that will be affected  by Mr P.

It's a good point, and more folk who could be putting pressure on NE to get things sorted.

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