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T8 Moderator


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hi john can t help you on the t8 but i ve heard a lot about the A10 moderator it costs 275 pounds but he makers state that on a 223 the t8 brings noise levels down to 130 decibels and the A10 brings it down to 105 decibls


is it worth looking into (you pays your money you takes your choice!!!!)




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Hi John,

I have a T8 and use it on my .270 & .222.

It will only rust if you don't look after it.

I never store my rifles with the mod on that is kept seperate (taking it on and off will not alter your zero), as for care of it an occasional spray with some WD40 will keep the rust out. I have the bush muffler and it is a good piece of kit, and it doe's help with heat mirage, but you only get mirage if you fire more than 3 shots in a row(in my .222, but 2 with my .270)

You could use a small bit of moly grease on the thread but i haven't.


Hope this helps :lol:

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I put a little bit of grease on the threads never sprey with WD 40 and I have had no problems. If youe are going to use it in the field I strongly advise you get a neoprene cover. It takes a bit of the noise out and it prevents it ringing like a bell every time a twig so much as touches it.



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Hi John,


I have T8's on my .243 and .270.


I always remove the Mod after a session and before putting the rifle away. I give the inside a quick spray with VP90 after

every couple of sessions, and if it's been rained on I put it in the airing cupboard to dry out.


I have bush mufflers on both, and have never noticed any heat haze, even whilst working a load up.


My zero is always spot on after removing and replacing the Mod.


I've had the T8 on my .243 for about three years, and it's had a lot of use, with no signs of rust at all.


Same as anything, if you look after it you'll be fine.

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There is alot of talk about whats quieter with the reality being that if your 100 yds in front the ballistic crack will still sound the same so it's a pointless debate really into spending more (Their primery purpose is ear protection ).......The T8 as 2 points of contact with the barrel as you well know so that get's my thumbs up .


They do rust but mine must've had close to a thousand rounds through it now and as you can see there are no signs .I NEVER spray Wd40 in the baffles as reccommended but on a thick sock that has silicon sachets inside and store the mod this way ........Spraying inside does more harm than good IMO because of the increased pressure created by those first few shots .


I always remove the mod after use and I can honestly say that I have never noted a change in POI when refitted .....Ironically I do stand by the fact that spraying the baffles can or as in my case cause a change to the POI and is another reason why I opted to ignor the maintenace instructions.


The rear bush should fit in such a way that it slightly removes the blueing on the barrel after a few screw on /off's.This is critical to consistancy when removing and refitting the Mod


Happy T8 owner and user :lol:




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John i put a small bit of oil (the thickish stuff that comes in the small squeezable bottles)on the rifles thread this in turn when you screw on the mod goes onto the mods thread and prevents the inner thread from rusting which is VERY important as it would be a nightmare to get in at them to clear any bad rust :o i found this out the hard way :lol: I dont give the insides a blast of wd40 every time i use it only when it gets wet or when you bring the cold mod into a warm house when condensation builds up in it give the outside of it a rub of an oilsoaked cloth after it gets wet apart from that there is no minding in them :lol: When not minded the crown always rusts i have seen ones on my mates .220 swift and this has happined.You will be glad you got one john excellent moderator imo :o

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Hi John,

I too am a great fan of the T8. I have them on two of my rifles ( 243 + 22-250 ) After use, I take the T8 off and give it a very light spray with WD40, then letting any excess run out of the end. If the T8 has been in rain, I do the same, but then I put it on a radiator for about an hour to 'dry out'. The thread of the barrel/s I coat with copper grease (available from Halfords) this is a good grease which I also use on my multi chokes on my shotguns.

I have Bush covers on them and find these good, especially when lamping.


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I've had 2 T8's and wouldn't have another if it was a gift. The Ase ultra S5 is a similar price, but unlike the T8, it's stainless, guaranteed for 2 years, sounds quieter to me, doesn't ping when it touches a twig and doesn't need a different bush when you swap it from one rifle to another. It only adds 4.5 inches to the overall length of a rifle. Why T8's are still being bought is beyond me.

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Mine is the t8au, it has the smallest patch of rust on the edge of each baffle, I give it a squirt now and then but try not to if I can ( cos I'm scared it'll run down the barrel when the rifles on my shoulder :o :lol: :o ), I remove it from the rifle to store and it never changes POI, if I've been out in the wet I'll leave it on a radiator for half an hour or so, don't keep the rifle on your shoulder muzzle up in the rain, it'll act like a funnel :lol: :( , the only thing against them is that they're not strippable, and sound like a baby's rattle with dust building up inside, some of which will shake out. The heat mirage is never really a problem in the field, only when sighting in.

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I hated my T8 when I first had it, every time I removed it and replaced it, the zero changed. I took it back to the gunsmith and done what I should have done in the first place, I listened to what the gunsmith told me. Since then I've had no problems with it at all. I always spray with WD40 when I get home and leave the mod on the radiator for a while. The oil thickens with the heat and sticks to the sides of the mod. I now have a thin layer of oil around the inside of the mod, so even if it gets wet, the water won't reach the metal. I spray the oil in from both ends, then roll the mod around to coat the insides. I was told to look for a damp patch around the crown of the mod. When this appears, the mod is sufficiently oiled, although this can create an oil cloud from the first shot. I also oiled the outside of the mod before I used it.


I have a neoprene cover on the mod, only removing it when it gets wet. Without the cover on, it sounds like one of those metal wind chimes is being dragged through the woods.


Even though I had the barrel shortened by 2 inches, the balance of the gun was completely thrown out and it took along time for the gun to feel like my gun, but now I've got used to it and it feels like my gun again.


One of the obvious benefits is the reduction in noise, as the 22-250 does tend to have a bit of a bark, especially at 2 in the morning and there's a fair chance you may get a second shot, if there were two targets. The other benefit is that I no longer get grief from the people sitting inside the pick up, who had to put up with an unmoderated 22-250 going off inches above their heads( although it didn't sound THAT loud to me :lol:). And for those reasons, I'm really glad I had my rifle moderated.

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I've had 2 T8's and wouldn't have another if it was a gift. The Ase ultra S5 is a similar price, but unlike the T8, it's stainless, guaranteed for 2 years, sounds quieter to me, doesn't ping when it touches a twig and doesn't need a different bush when you swap it from one rifle to another. It only adds 4.5 inches to the overall length of a rifle. Why T8's are still being bought is beyond me.

I do know that when HONEST opinions are asked by USERS on most shooting forums that I frequent the T series of moderators seldom attract negative comments .............We can't all be wrong :lol:


Personally having seen a ASE ultra in action on a 22/250 I'd still go for a T8 series moderator because the expansion chamber behind the baffles is more effective IMO ..whereby my earing is concerned anyway .,But each to their own :lol:

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We are all entitled to an opinion, that's for sure.

I've had T8's, a Vaimeco, have PES large over-barrel and large and small stainless muzzle cans, so feel more than entitled to my opinion!

I feel that T8's are so popular because they were on the market and well publicised at just the right time.

The fact of the matter is that they were designed as a piece of military equipment intended to be used on one operation then discarded. If they were £30 or £40, they'd be ideal. As it is, my opinion is that they're poorly constructed and over-priced.

No doubt many people are satisfied with their T8's. But how many of them have tried anything else?


I would never have another T8, but would buy more S5's in an instant.

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