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121 pigeons on saturday


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Shot ove rape stubble on Saturday and ended up with a bag of 121. We set up on the wrong field and progress was very slow all day. I moved my hide once as the pigeons weren't coming to the decoys as we would have liked.


My mate clearing the dead birds away at the end of the day




Didn't get out Saturday as planned as i was away for the day but we went out Sunday night for a couple of hours. Ended up with 2 cubs and an Adult vixen.

None of the shots were dificult with the furthest being about 120 yards. Took the head shot on the vixn as she was lying down and all i could see was her head. She was only just over 100 yards away. I didnt get a pic of all three as my camera on my phone was playing up. sorted it for the last pic though.


Cub shot at about 80 yards




Vixen shot in the head



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