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BSA Shaun

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Just realised after getting bored and trawling the internet that if you really wanted to you could prbably buy the fur off a monkeys balls on ebay, it's inbelievable what some people will sell.


So thought I would start this and people could post the wierdest and stupidest things they have ever seen for sale!


I'll start with magnets that apparently sit on the fuel line and increase MPG :D

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the funniest one i saw was pheasant roadkill, it went on to state that as he'd knocked it over and he couldn't take advantage etc then at the bottom it said buyer to collect, and the picture below just showed a picture of a pheasant mangled in the front bullbars of a car.


People even sell Tescos carrier bags on there :D whats that all about...

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We had the tour de france past our drive recently and a group of young people in a car were following behind the event gleefully hoovering up the plastic yellow roadsigns advertising the event, we asked them why they wanted so many and you guessed it .... Fleabay. Good luck to ,em.



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