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Only one barrel working


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So chaps, I have a Miroku 7000 and for a while now when iv shut the gun I can feel a bit of movement in the flat end bit of the trigger guard,

so took butt pad off and it took a couple of turns of the screwdriver to get it nice and tight, closing the gun up was a bit tighter than normal,
went to use it Saturday and it wouldn’t fire the second shot, or I couldn’t change the barrel selector very easy, 

but each barrel worked but would not fire off 2 shots, so that night I slackened it off a turn and tried it the next day but still the same, slackened it off to where it was originally and it worked, but I don’t feel comfortable with the play in the trigger guard and visual movement between the stock and the action, anyone any idea as to what is wrong, 

many thanks.


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If you are saying it wont fire the second barrel it could just be a dirty action.

The stock bolt should ALWAYS be as tight as can be or you are going to end up with a cracked stock. Sounds like a gunsmiths job. Although cleaning and lubricating the action is not exactly brain surgery. Lots of good you tubes on it.

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If it was a dirty action why would it work when the bolt wasn’t tight, I will give it a good clean though, 

and the longer bolt does sound plausible but it’s not always been slack and never had a problem before, 

im more than happy to have it with a gunsmith but there is a long wait at the one I use so was wondering if it was something I could sort myself, but I guess other than cleaning it I’m pretty stuck. 



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Think I may of sorted it now, took it apart to clean it but it’s spotless, took stock off and screwed the bolt into the action and realised it may well be touching something it shouldn’t be. So put it back together with a couple of thin washers, it’s now nice and tight and seems to fire the second shot with a slight tap on the floor after firing the first shot. 
time will tell, thanks for the replies.


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Is the trigger guard fouling the trigger ? There should be a small clearance between the two when the trigger is fully forward  . If not the the trigger may not be able to reset .

Check to see if the plunger in the trigger that connects to then inertia block is free and has full movement  , these can be prone to getting clogged up or dried oil causing them to stick .


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9 hours ago, Gunman said:

Is the trigger guard fouling the trigger ? There should be a small clearance between the two when the trigger is fully forward  . If not the the trigger may not be able to reset .

Check to see if the plunger in the trigger that connects to then inertia block is free and has full movement  , these can be prone to getting clogged up or dried oil causing them to stick .


In which case a loose stock would impart a greater shock to the inertia block which is what I thought.

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