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Bubonic plague


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The Black Death.  I read that a young man in New Mexico has died of bubonic plague.........aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!    runnnnn!!!!!   hide!!!!!! ...the article goes on to say that quite a few people in those south western States of the USA get the Plague each year and have done for as long as anybody can remember.   Then a report from China, that a case of The Plague has popped up in their northern regions.   I can just see the shear panic now very similar to that with this covid deal which now seems to not have been as fatal as reported with all the scientific statistics way out and the country and businesses now struggling as a result.  I'm afraid I blame the media, because with all this facebook etc etc etc news travels so fast and not always true news either.

Get a life, it ain't a rehearsal , get out there and enjoy every minute you can.

On edit , it says that it is mainly caught from handling and eating rodents. 

Edited by Walker570
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15 minutes ago, JohnfromUK said:

It isn't exactly common, but dies still occur in many parts of the world including the USA.  Unlike Covid, there is an effective treatment.


Only if you realise what you have and get to a hospital very quickly. Hesitate and you will die.

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