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There's nowt unusual about winter rape emerging in early September seeing as mid August is the 'optimum' time to drill it.

However, many factors govern the drilling of winter rape :

the price of wheat, the price of rape, available ready land, availability of seed, the decision to drill depending upon the weather and the predicted long range forecast, access to a contractor who can do the job when the landowner wants it; etc etc.

There's no logic to pigeons feeding habits, typically they move onto winter rape in the winter months when their natural food supply diminishes, other times they are on it in early October with still plenty of other food stuff about.

Last winter they never really started on the rape, so it's anybodys guess what will happen this time.

If you can keep an eye on your field of rape once it is through, that is all you can do, you never know!!

They are not called WOODPIGEONS for nowt tha knows.

Cheers, C.B:~}

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My OSR was drilled early because it followed barley, which was combined early. The fields required very little preparation and just look like flattened stubble. Another three fields are ploughed at the moment, after wheat, and will be drilled in the usual way, so they will be a little later. Incidentally the early OSR is greening up with self set barley now.

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