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Liverpool last night

Vince Green

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9 hours ago, JohnfromUK said:

What happened last night - and other similar rule breaking simply means that the 'lockdown' and other restrictions will be both longer duration and stricter regulations.

But they don't care - it is all about ME enjoying myself NOW and if someone else gets ill, that's their problem - and if I get ill, then the NHS will cure me.

Agree, this bunch of morons have yet to see the thing that would stop them in their tracts, a helluva big deterrent.

Never happen though with a Goverment with very small balls.

3 hours ago, Walker570 said:

Yep, common sense is not very common these days.  Although I tend to lean to a more open situation what happened in Liverpool was pathetic.Just remember these people have mums and dads who obviously have not done their jobs very well.... that is if they know their mums and dads.  

Yep, you're dead right.

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8 hours ago, Gordon R said:

Keir Starmer and Andy Burnham - two true lightweights.

Your commentary is pretty flawed. On the one hand you have a leader who has been knighted for his services to human rights and abuse victims. On the other you have a man who assaulted his pregnant girlfriend whilst his wife was at home with their children. BoJo has never stood for anything. Just because he has shot the odd pheasant do not be a fool to believe he is one of us. He would sell out on us in a minute. He twisted rules to keep his anti hunting pal in government after he had been comprehensively kicked out by the electorate. 

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