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Yukon photon xt zeroing


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Mount your scope. Take 1 shot at paper and move the cross hairs to the bullet hole and take a second shot and you're ready to go. Sometimes you may need to shim or use an adjustable mount. I try my best to boresight it when I swap guns and that does help. I also start with paper close at 30 or 40yds to make sure I'm actually on paper before going any further out! Try and make sure its as central as possible because the crosshair isn't self centering and you can end up with it half way down the screen. If its got the doubler on you can shoot in daylight but don't even bother unless its overcast and you've got the lens cap with a little centre hole. I like mine, I bought an ATN to go on another gun and its very heavy in comparison. Use a better IR than the built in one and you'll be able to see a fair distance, probably further than you'd be wanting to shoot at night anyway.

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9 hours ago, scarter said:

Hi guys 

I have a secondhand Yukon photon XT ( I think one of the older ones) but have no instructions on how to zero it. 

can anyone tell me how to do this please 

many thanks 

Hello, you can find the instructions on the net and print off as Stuart posted, and follow Ben's post, what model Photon is it and for what rifle, ? Have you any mounts yet ? You may have to shim getting POI, or as many have use some adjustable mounts, so is it a 4.6 or 6.5 and what rifle, ?

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26 minutes ago, scarter said:

It’s on a ruger 10/22 that the gun shop mounted for me. As far as I know they are just normal 30mm mounts........

Hello, ok, you may need to shim, I would print off instructions or Thomas Jacks the importer may have a spare instruction book, start with reticule centre of screen, try a target at 25 yards and see the POI from centre , and as Ben said move reticule to the bullet hole, if you find the reticule adjustment far off centre or to low or high you can shim front or back mount, this has most been on air rifles, once you have the XT instructions you can follow the setting up procedure, you maybe lucky and not need to shim , let us know how your getting on, cheers

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