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Importing photos from phone to PC

Old Boggy

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For some reason my phone has prevented me from importing current photos to my PC. This appears to have happened in the new year. I have googled for an explanation and hopefully a solution but all advice is far too technical for my Neolithic brain. I think that it may have something to do with iCloud (whatever that is). I thought that it had something to do with my PC (Windows 7) but it seems to work OK transferring photos from my iPad to PC, so assume it is the phone.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated, but please keep it in simple layman’s terms as anything too technical could be lost in the translation.

Normally I would get one of my Grandsons to sort it out for me but lockdown has made this impossible.

Many thanks for any ‘easy to follow’ replies.



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45 minutes ago, Gordon R said:

What phone is it?

It`s an Apple ES as far as I know.


36 minutes ago, henry d said:

Does your phone have an SD or micro SD card that the photos are on?

Sorry, lost me on the technicalities there. How do I check that ? Nigel`s expression on your avatar probably says it all :whistling:


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2 hours ago, Smokersmith said:

One option may be to email them from your phone?

Tried that thanks, but cannot get the photo configured correctly. Either comes out as gobbledegook or a massive image.

Told you I was a technophobe :no:


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Not sure what I`ve done but it seems to have been resolved.

I normally open -:


Apple iphone

Internal storage


and then 100 Apple appears, which doesn`t show current photos (beyond 2020)

It now opens another file folder alongside 100 Apple called `101 Apple` which shows all current photos.

Haven`t clue why but my problem appears to have been resolved.:yahoo:

Many thanks for your replies anyway.:thanks:


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