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10 minutes ago, JohnfromUK said:

Most of my choice of hardware is fixed choke, and between Imp and 1/2.  (A mix of Imp and 1/4, 1/4 in both, and 1/4 and 1/2)

I do have (as said earlier) one multichoke with a total of 6 inserts I think (never changed then, though do take them out for cleaning) - and two guns with 2 sets barrels, my S57 Beretta has either "Skeet" (two very near cylinder barrels) or "Game" (at nominally 1/4 and 1/2) and an AyA with two sets, one both 1/4, the other full and extra full (never used).

Me also fixed, but because I liked a stretch and as I mainly shoot pigeon mine are (were) 1/4 by 3/4. As range judging can be a tad iffy, I've always used marker stakes if I've felt the need. For the odd pheasant shooting, I've changed the choke by changing the cartridge. As per the OP, today I've taken in the 20 bore in to go Imp x !/2 and the W&S will be done when I have the Beretta back.

End of an era really for me. I was open choke minded until while writing something I spotted an anomaly. The late Dr Roger Giblin bought a copy of what I'd written and noted from how I said something about what I'd spotted and for which I'd been correct and he knew the reason for it whereas I hadn't a clue. Roger headed up the Ballistic Research Laboratory and put me in touch with other like minded folk whose brains I picked mercilessly. This convinced me that we were too open choked at times.

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8 hours ago, wymberley said:

This convinced me that we were too open choked at times.

That may be true and I'm certainly not claiming otherwise - but there is also (in my opinion) another important factor - and that is confidence.

I KNOW that I can pick up my normal much practised with AyA, pop in a cartridge with which I am familiar - and shoot at a target at a range within my personal comfort zone - and have a good level of confidence in the result.  I don't think in choke, shot size, yards distance.  I just use what I know 'works' and in the way in which I am practised and confident.  That is important because it enables me to concentrate on the target and shoot in a natural and relaxed frame of mind without worrying about technicalities ....... and there for me is the making of an enjoyable day out.

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1 hour ago, JohnfromUK said:

That may be true and I'm certainly not claiming otherwise - but there is also (in my opinion) another important factor - and that is confidence.

I KNOW that I can pick up my normal much practised with AyA, pop in a cartridge with which I am familiar - and shoot at a target at a range within my personal comfort zone - and have a good level of confidence in the result.  I don't think in choke, shot size, yards distance.  I just use what I know 'works' and in the way in which I am practised and confident.  That is important because it enables me to concentrate on the target and shoot in a natural and relaxed frame of mind without worrying about technicalities ....... and there for me is the making of an enjoyable day out.

Good post, John.

Too many people overthink the job.

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Oh! How I envy both of you.

Agree totally, John, It's not coincidence that your 'C' word is the last one which I wrote in the piece I referred to earlier.

I too can now go out and shoot without much thought about it - that's probably the problem as I often end up going out twice having forgotten something the first time. However, sadly, for me that didn't just happen by magic. I had to listen, read, learn and practice and then do it all some more before it all started to make sense. Even then something didn't seem right even though I'd faithfully followed the 3 pellets plus 10% for stringing mantra and studied the Effective Range Of Game Cartridges in the Eley Year Book - why do you suppose that table was omitted some time back? Fortunately, I was doing some work for BASC and met some folk who were involved in the NTS research. This started with lead believe it or not so that a fair and accurate comparison assessment of the various NTS materials could be made. Apart from the science, much of which was not openly published, we in the UK are probably not generally aware of the practical trials that took place elsewhere - WJ would have had a melt-down. The upshot of it all is that we hadn't quite got it right. Changing my then preferred IC by 1/2 to 1/4 by 3/4 for pigeon shooting at the ranges I wished to improved the situation no end.

So, yep, although I am now in the process of dropping down to more open chokes this is only because I'm also having to reduce my ranges in view of my current capabilities. But, yep, anyone who thinks that the effective range for pigeon using a Grand Prix 6 or equivalent through IC as according to the gospel is 45 yards is correct, then perhaps the technicalities may well be of some benefit - you just have to apply the right ones. Then you're free and clear to go and shoot.

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