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gun cabinet advise?

Tom Robinson

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I have two cabinets side by side, to hold my shotguns/rifles, both holding a mix of both. I have a digital lock safe bolted onto the top of one of them and also into the wall. I keep all my bullets in this, and I also keep the bolts from the rifles. Although there is no law to request you to remove the bolts, it's good practice.

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Yes thats absolutly fine. I have a Brattonsound RL7+ I got from Paul Hart. Only £140 for a couple of scratches on the paintwork and still with 3yrs full warranty. It seems he specialises in selling their "B-grade" stock.


Got some pics here: http://www.photobox.co.uk/album/6542533


It's going into the wall tomorrow; finally. Should hopefully please my FEO on his next visit to check it I hope. Obviously if you are going to do target shooting then you would need an additional ammo safe at some stage. But for most hunters I would think it would store all the sect 1&5 ammo you need to get started.


Putting the bolts in there is very good practice as I said before but you don't have to legally. Though it makes sense to really as the police will be less severe on you if one of them ever gets nicked if they know it can't be readily used. Though if they got through that vault-style door then the ammo compartment wouldnt be much of a challenge.


Don't let that put you off though; both will survive a sustained attack and keep the FEO's happy. The likelyness of persons breaking in with enough time and the right equipment to get into the cabinet is minute as one does not put it about freely that they own guns.


One thing you must never do is store shotgun carts in the ammo compartment as the space is compacted and un-ventilated. Would be a explosion risk if there was a fire you see in that tiny space. Besides; unlike ammo you wouldnt get many carts in there.


Best Regards,



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