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Swimming lesson.

the hitman

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Took my 8 month old cocker down to the river yesterday, he loves the water but never goes out of his depth. Well i throw a stick about 6 ft from the bank , and after much barking and howling he took the plunge. 6 ft from the bank soon became 20 , he was loving it. I suppose some dogs can swim much younger than this, but i'm just well chuffed he has overcome his fear. :yes:

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Glad you got yours swimming, I didn't have so much luck with my black lab. She was about 12 months old when I took her to the river, she paddled about, then ventured out. All of a sudden she vanished, all I could she was this tail spinning above the water, very scary moment, thought about jumping in but she managed to swim out after a few minutes.

Since then she has never been for a swim, she is 5, 6 in November. Its probably too late to get her swimming again.

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swimming is very strange with dogs, one of our jack russels swam at 8 weeks, the oddest thing being when she was held above the water before being put in she started moving her legs as though she was paddling. Then as soon as in seemed to know exactly what to do.

What a mistake to make though show her a swimming pool now and she takes running jumps into them :yes:

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