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Reloading a shotgun cartridge

Ferret Master

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I started reloading for my 20 bore recently under the guidance of 'Floating Chamber' from this forum using a Lee Load All. I loaded a batch under his guidance over the telephone of 24g clay loads and these seem to work OK! So, I have moved up to a 26g load. :good: A BIG THANKS TO A VERY HELPFUL CHAP!


I took a few pictures this afternoon in my garage showing the process. The loading press will be attached firmly to a bench soon but the Workmate will have to do for now. :good:




Start with an empty case.





Place the sizing die over the shell.





Put the cartridge in station 1.





Pull the handle down. This will re-size and de-prime the shell.





Close up of the sizing die on cartridge.





The de-primed head and sizing die.





A bad picture of me placing a primer in the priming pocket.





Pull down handle. This pushes off the sizing die and seats the primer.





The primed case.





Move the case to station 3.





Drop the powder charge.





Insert the card wad and push down until it is seated against the powder.





Insert the 12mm fibre wad. I then use a 6mm felt filler wad and another card wad. All 3 are shown at once for photographic purposes.





Push the wadding down.





Drop the shot charge.





The shot in the cartridge.





Place in crimp starter with a inward fold of the shell facing the front.





Pull the handle down to start the crimp.





Move cartridge to shell holder.





Pull down handle.





The finished cartridge.





The crimp.








Wow that's long! :oops: Hope you guys can see what's happening as the camera isn't very good. :good:


FM :oops:

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I like it, :good:


couple of questions


How much do those machines cost and the the materials?

How long you been doing this?

And is their a saving by making your own?


Thanks for sharing

You can get them from eBay or Tim Hannam (advertises in GunMart) Current price is around 40 quid. Components can be picked up cheap from 'failed' reloaders! Ask around your club. Try Claygame for components.


The big savings are in 20g, 28g and .410.


WARNING: Reloading is a passion! No great savings will be made loading 12 gauge, unless you make your own lead shot.

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Great pics :good: does the machine drop in a set amount of powder?And is it difficult to control the different gramms of lead ie can it load 28gm 30gm ect without much hassle?


The press comes with a whole host of bushes (measures) for powder and shot.


The shot bushes are in ounces: 7/8 (25gram), 1 oz (28gram), 11/8oz (28gram).... all the way up to 46gram magnum.


The powder measures are in cubic inches: .095, .108, .128, .134, .148, .155, .163 etc


Example: .148 'drops' 19.3 grains of Vectan A1 36 into the shell.


.134 'drops' 16.5 grains of Vectan A1 into the shell. TWO DIFFERENT TYPES OF POWDER.




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Floating Chamber you the daddy of reloading lol ,Great pickys Ferret Master i will soon be having a go @ reloading any chance of a guide at some point plz

a few links to help source consumables






a few parts can be sourced very cheaply from the USA NOT POWDER AND PRIMERS but wads cards etc have a google even with postage great deals can be had

shot is the biggest outlay unless you can make your own there is much info on this inc home made drippers and littleton shot makers this itself requires a certen skill but im deff no expert and it can be dangerous as can reloading so i suggest a lot off reading and advise is sought

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