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lightforce 170 gun mounted & belt battery pack??any good


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As titled i am thinking of buying this set up tomorrow does anyone have any thoughts on them as it will cost me around £150 but i want the double battery pack for my waist etc. tried a tracer but wanted something better cheers in advance of any replies :good:

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Thumbs up for the 170 Striker with an inline dimmer :good:


I wouldn't get that battery (nothing wrong with them I just think they're over priced), buy a charger that'll do an 18-20 amp battery and go to a motorbike shop and buy a sealed lead acid rechargeable battery for much less than the (I presume) Deben pack you're looking at. Pop the battery into a small backpack for lamping as it's dead handy and takes all of the weight off you.


Connections, they will melt, just accept the fact. I'd reccomend you snip the cable below the switch and get connections like the ones that're on electric strimmer/lawnmowers. Then you'll have a 100% reliable lamp with a great beam. This suggestion is just a personal choice, up to yourself to do or not do it but once you see that light blinking you'll think of it and mutter :oops:

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Great lamp well worth the extra few £££'s i have got seven foxes since i bought mine back in august they come in very handy when you dont have a lamper available which is why i bought mine.Johns advice is worth taking heed of them holster batterys arnt great i used to have a set but dont use them anymore i found them very uncomfortable after wearing them for a while :oops: I also got a battery from the local motor factors a 20amp hr pack for €50 where as the deben outfit over here costs €130 :yes: This is my setup works very well :good:


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I definately agree with the above. The 7ah is ok for the smaller lights but for serious foxing something a bit bigger is the ticket. (The 18ah is a bit of a beast. It's ok for those tough lads over the water, they do a day's work, lamp all night, then go home for a breakfast of black pudding wrapped in tripe - man food!) And I find shoulder bags just give me one sore shoulder. The connections are duff, talk to anyone who uses them, they'll tell the same story. If you fettle them from the start it will give you confidence in the kit.



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I bought that exact set up a couple of months ago and have been very impressed with it, but would say this about it -


Feels a bit odd waving the rifle around to begin with.


It definitely needs a dimmer switch put into the circuit (no I haven't got round to it yet).


The belt battery pack is a pain in the *rse. Not only is it bloody expensive, it feels pretty heavy after an hours walking and as I wear it outside my coat (easier to stop it slipping down) it seems to make getting into pockets for calls etc a real struggle.


One last thing, try and get them to give you another mount for the scope so that you can switch between rifles without having to change the mount.

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I started off with a 14amp in one of the shoulder bags. They will eat into your shoulder and go as far as to bruise you at times. I used to have the battery on my left hand side as I carried the rifle right handed (so the rifle wouldn't be bumping off the battery pack), so my right shoulder was taking the weight of a rifle and the battery pack :lol: It'll be uncomfortable and will distract you. The advantages of the backpack is if you get one with nice wide straps it distributes the battery weight evenly and comfortably. It doesn't slide around and get in your way when you have to go prone to shoot like a shoulder bag always will. You can carry spare bulbs, fuses etc in the backpack and any other gear you might fancy taking along. I'd reccomend you also carry a decent LED back up light incase your lamp fails, nice to be able see your way back to the car :lol:


If you want you can also get an underbarrel mount for a shotgun which will fit semi autos, single barrel, side by side, and double barrel shotguns. I've used the 140 and 170 lamp on my shotgun and they work great.


Tuck is right, do the connections right away. Don't worry about voiding the warranty as they'll only fix it back to it's new **** state if it breaks :good: Usually the people who knock Lightforce lamps don't or can't do the connections and get frustrated.


Think the next battery I get will be 26amp :lol: Proper job!

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As titled i am thinking of buying this set up tomorrow does anyone have any thoughts on them as it will cost me around £150 but i want the double battery pack for my waist etc. tried a tracer but wanted something better cheers in advance of any replies :good:



got the same kit in full found the belt pack very good over long distance walks just the wiring thats a bit poor imho :lol:

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