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peter mcn

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I have often thought about it, as I occasionally play high stakes blackjack and poker in Casinos, but I am a bit cautious of the risk of Internet cheating/fiddling.


In "live" games there is professional supervision and you can see whats going on, but on the Internet it seems you have to take everything on trust, something I find hard to do where money is concerned.


I also know a couple of people who joined "Online Poker Clubs" in the early days (probably based in Nigeria, or Macao) and had their credit cards hit with unexplained withdrawals.

It took one of them almost a year to get it sorted out.

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I played a fair bit at university tournaments with mates that were an excuse to get absolutely hammered- £2 tournament buyin shows where the priorities lie! A friend of mine who also lives in london suggested we check out the "empire casino" who offered a beginners poker tournament for £10 entry. I had my doubts but there were some absolute donkeys there and given a chip stack that was never enormous and some tight play I finished in 3rd place for £240- I haven't been back because I don't think I will top that!!


There is a company called www.pokerstrategy.com and I signed up with them you complete a quiz and they give you $50 to play (for free without depositing or giving card details) on partypoker. It seemed to me that there were a lot more badbeats online than in real life- but perhaps that is because it is faster and so you play more hands.

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I play on a daily basis, having used all the big un's nothing beats poker.com (the original not carbon poker.com) as it has the best interface going. I play real money and play and blindly refuse to sign up to facebook as I am that sick of getting invited to join they must be desperate!

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I play on a daily basis, having used all the big un's nothing beats poker.com (the original not carbon poker.com) as it has the best interface going. I play real money and play and blindly refuse to sign up to facebook as I am that sick of getting invited to join they must be desperate!


the truth is that you need friends to go on face book...... <_<

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