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25 minutes ago, Rewulf said:


Expect better of you R.

The thing that I find well funny is that in my professional corporate life I'm generally seen as pretty hardline non-PC and corporately speaking anti-woke. Refusing to "play the game" and being true to my principles is openly discussed in my year end reviews as a reason for not reaching my full potential on the career ladder.

The only time I've ever been part of a trade union was a brief stint in the railways where it wasn't "safe" to work in that environment if you refused to join. Had the displeasure to meet Bob C and worked on the other shift pattern to one of his "wing-men" at the time, Mick Lynch.

I'll just leave it at that for now to allow that first paragraph to sink in for some of you 😉

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18 minutes ago, Raja Clavata said:

Expect better of you R.

The :lol: was in regards to what was clearly a satirical post from Auntie.
The :good: was a thank you for saying my post was good.

Dont take things so personally, I certainly dont !

These debates on various subjects arent going to fix the problems in society, I dont think anything is, not voting, not 'taking to the streets'.
Change starts within us, by understanding one another better.

People get frustrated because they see this path towards the time when Rome will burn, and they realise there isnt a lot we can do to avert it.

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