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has anyone shot the new gambore white gold or black gold steel shot ca


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Hiya was just wondering if anyone had shot the new white gold and black gold steel shot cartridges, which are now being advertised everywhere, and if so what they are like.


if they are any better then the old ones from a few years back i might give them ago, esspecially with the price of my normal white gold at the moment,

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Yup, had a go with them the other weekend. Price is good, they jit stuff and I got 24 ex 30 on the first three stands with them. I tried the Black Gold and "Standard Steel", although I might be trying the Whight Gold next time (this weekend).


To be honest, I am seriously considering getting a box or two in, but they are really dirty down the barrel.

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iv just come back from the gun shop with 250 white gold steel shot, so il try them this weekend and let you know, iv also brought 250 of my usual white gold incase the steel are no good,

but hopfully they are cos the price is soooooooooooooooooo much better lol :good:

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iv just come back from the gun shop with 250 white gold steel shot, so il try them this weekend and let you know, iv also brought 250 of my usual white gold incase the steel are no good,

but hopfully they are cos the price is soooooooooooooooooo much better lol :good:


How much did you pay for them? I'm trying to find the article I read it in and are they fibre or plaswads?



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I doubt that they are fibre, unless in a fibre shotcup. free steel at 1500fps up your barrels with no protection will ruin them in next to no time.


The only fibre shot cups that I know of are gamebore and I think they were mammoth steel.


If you can drop a duck at 40yds with steel then breaking clays isn't going to be an issue. Getting used to the different characteristics of a fast cartridge that slows down quicker will be the challenge.

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Shot 50 white gold 7.5 28 gram steel at Dartford, some of the softest cartridges I have used, recoil was a long soft push nothing like shooting 28 grm lead. Broke the clays well shooting skeet with cylinder choke, I think Alan at Eastern Sporting was saying something like £110 £120 for a 1000 but dont quote me could be less. Using Beratta 391 synthetic. I like em gonna get some more.

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Just seems suspicious to me all this advertizement for non-toxic for use on clays. Probably another under the counter job to make us go like parts of scandinavia- Total ban on lead shot.


No need to use steel on clays, stick to lead. And as for the wear on gun's- prolonged use of steel shot in a gun which is not made/proofed for steel will cause barrel wear-


The secret in a good steel shot load is have a long wad which prevents shot touching the barrel until it reaches the muzzle. At 99.00 a thousand I don't expect you are getting much for that.


As I have stated before we were sold down the river over the forced use of non-toxic shot in this country, there is no need to use non-toxic when you don't have too.

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Apart from the cost. Even the expensive GameBore Black Gold HV 28g carts are cheaper by a long way than their lead equivalent. Hell, the prices I was offered them at the other week, they were cheaper than Olympic Trap 8s in lean.


Ok, they are dirty, but I have one gun that is stell proof and the other that's magnum proof and both can run these carts. If it means that I can shoot one extra session a month becasue of the costs involved, then I will use them.


Interesting point about the full length shotcup though. Might have to have a look-see on Saturday.

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i paid about £28 for 250 but i think the more you buy the cheaper they get, iv seen them on just cartridges for £99 per 1000 so if they are any good il will defo get some more, like i said il be trying them out this weekend in my auto, so fingers crossed lol

even better news is some one is coming down to see my winchester which has been up for sale yippeee so might get some money too :good:

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No, what started this thread was the cost of lead,cartridges are now 50% dearer than last year, myself and others are going to start shooting steel soon, I /We were asking if anyone has shot them and were asking for feedback on performance etc, I dont think other than for close stuff, Skeet etc, they wont be much bottle for trap, and far out sporting targets, I will be delighted to be proved wrong. Cheers Bud.

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Hi All. Brought a 1000 white gold a few weeks ago has the price was right . £120 ish .Both my son and I used them for sporting clay . Personaly I've gone back to my eley vip ( fibre ) I found that slightly more lead and height was required for most targets , yet my son got on with them fine and prefers them . On distant targets you seem to hear the bang and waited for the clay to break which seemed rather strange . I think you could with time and practice get used to them but for me I'll stay with what I like .

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Hi, I'm Jeff. I'm New!

How are you?

Right... formalities over. On with the question!


I'd be very interested in trying out steel shot for sporting. As we don't seem to have many real life experiences of these shells, does anyone know what the press/manufacturers are saying?


I found that slightly more lead and height was required for most targets , yet my son got on with them fine and prefers them . On distant targets you seem to hear the bang and waited for the clay to break which seemed rather strange.

I realise that ballistics & common sense don't always go hand in hand. However I would have thought that steel, being lighter than lead, would go further & faster!


Regards. Jeff

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Hi, I'm Jeff. I'm New!

How are you?

Right... formalities over. On with the question!


I'd be very interested in trying out steel shot for sporting. As we don't seem to have many real life experiences of these shells, does anyone know what the press/manufacturers are saying?


I found that slightly more lead and height was required for most targets , yet my son got on with them fine and prefers them . On distant targets you seem to hear the bang and waited for the clay to break which seemed rather strange.

I realise that ballistics & common sense don't always go hand in hand. However I would have thought that steel, being lighter than lead, would go further & faster!


Regards. Jeff


Think this is right (No doubt somebody on here will correct if wrong), due to the density differential the kenetic energy is lost quicker in steel and therefore it doesn't travel as far as lead. Also why the lead/steel/Non-toxic debate goes on regarding wildfowling.


SS :angry:



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That sounds a bit weird... It's not really the mass that's the problem, but density. Small pellets with a high density is what we need, but steel offers small pellets with a [relatively] low density, meaning they are more susceptible to air resistence. Larger pellets would be heavier (holding more energy down range) but would still not fly as far as the same shot size in lead.


This really hurts on a monday morning and I could be wrong...


One benefit of steel shot though... Lighter individual pellets means that for the same weight of load, you get more pellets. More pellets == greater chance to hit in the effective range of the shot.


By the way, I think we need a proper physicist's view on this whole lead v steel ballistics thing. Does anyone know a proper physicist?

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Hey guys, well i shot 60 off at the weekend got 44/60 which wasnt bad, and i liked them they were low recoil and seemed to break the clays, only thing id say is that even when your dead on them they dont dust like when your bang on with lead, but being 60 quid cheaper i aint gonna complain lol

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