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Mrs Sweepy

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Yep I'm with flash as well, Mungler might have put his foot in it a bit but its about as innocently as possible, the post just asked for a paragraph or two to make things easier to read. as far as I know this has nothing to do with being dyslexic.


However I know how living with dyslexia can make you slightly on the paranoid side but I'm sure in this case there was nothing inferred or malicious in it at all.


A couple of weeks ago we employed a driver who was dyslexic and it opened my eyes to it a lot. we had this 17 stone 45 year old bloke in tears on the second day as he was so worried about it affecting him doing the job. Turned out he had been verbally abused in a few different jobs over it and sacked a few times which to me is pretty unbelievable. Once re-assured he could ask us anything a few times and take his time over things he relaxed and has so far been an asset to us and frankly in the paperwork that comes in he is one of the better ones at completing things properly.


So basically don't worry about it Suzy no one on here could really care in the slightest so chin up

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I would wish to apologise for any offence caused, see : http://forums.pigeonwatch.co.uk/forums/ind...t=0&start=0


I rarely read posts that are made up of a pure large block of text which means that I have difficulty in making it the whole way through posts made by Mrs. Sweepy (or for example Suffolk Shooter).


I am afraid that I didn't know Mrs. Sweepy had dyslexia - as above it is unlikely that I would have read about it.


I would also wish to apologise to any gypsies, homosexuals, people of a different colour or ethnicity, fat people, thin people, tall people, short people, ugly people, the French and anyone else whom I may have either knowlingly or unknowingly, directly or indirectly offended in any of my posts.



Funny as **** ....you crack me up man.......or as some would say...........djas[fjwd[fu,cmufmguopm[wfpcdfopudiocaiomfudgmiocasiogmcsdgmcsgioc


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A few people that are dyslexic on here have made jokes about it and a couple of people I know with the same condition, frequently do likewise.

Its their way of handling the situation.


Nobody would deliberately insult Mrs Sweepy on here, its not that sort of place.

An apology has been offered and I am sure that as a lady, Mrs Sweepy knows how to accept that.


Let the matter end there.

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