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Barry George

death from below

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Seems all someone needs to do in this country to get away with murder is act a bit dumb......murder someone(famous).....act a bit more dumb....get correctly convicted.....act even dumber and then get a bunch of lefty/liberal do-gooders fighting your cause.....and appeal after appeal will eventually lead to a nonce judge granting you a re-trial.......go and act even more daft and no doubt that will lead to a quashed conviction.......simple really.


Briish legal system best in the world.....my ****

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One grain of propellant may have been an unsafe conviction (it was still there a year after the murder, how much more was there before) but nothing has been said about the other evidence. They concentrate on the flimsy stuff to introduce doubt- ie the Guildford four- all guilty as hell but because some of the hand swabs were negative and not submitted in evidence it was sucessfully argued that other things MAY have been omitted or overlooked. The seed is sown in the panel's/jury's mind and the jobs a good 'un.


I HATE our poxy system. The majority of the evidence should be considered IMHO.

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Apart from a FDR (of 'zero' weight) found in his pocket after a year and which he could have picked up from a fairground, shooting ground or by a handshake, what evidence is there? Do any of you out there know anymore?


I think he's innocent; I reckon she was assassinated by the 'firm'.


The FDR is specific to certain cartridges and was specific of the type used to kill her. The chemical compostion was EXACTLY the same. Is there a very small chance it came from elsewhere? YES, but he wasn't convicted on that evidence alone.


P.S. They're out to get you now you've mentioned them publically :good:

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I remember the announcement on the radio at work when Jill Dando was murdered. It was a great shock. I saw a TV program the other year about this Barry George and the evidence against him was so flimsy and circumstantial that he should never have been sent down because of it. It was almost like the police had to get a result at all cost because she was such a well known TV personality and did the Crime watch program. Even if was obvious that the guy didnt do it. >>> Just nail someone for it.

This coat had been handled and stored in a way that its a surprise that it didnt have a box of shotgun cartridges or a 50 cal browning round along with any amount of powder residue in the pocket. Although he is a bit of a weirdo that had an obsession about Jill Dando it doesnt make him guilty. I never thought he had the technical knowledge or ability to handle a gun conversion or reload ammunition. ( If I remember right the TV program indicated that it was reloaded ammo in 9mm Kurtz which was used).

Only the other day a man was convicted by DNA evidence for the murder of a little girl Lesley Molseed after another man had served about 18 years inside for it. He was a bit of a weirdo also but he was set up for it. Shame was that the poor devil died shortly after being let out. Still I supose that he could have been strung up for it.

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One grain of propellant may have been an unsafe conviction (it was still there a year after the murder, how much more was there before) but nothing has been said about the other evidence. They concentrate on the flimsy stuff to introduce doubt- ie the Guildford four- all guilty as hell but because some of the hand swabs were negative and not submitted in evidence it was sucessfully argued that other things MAY have been omitted or overlooked. The seed is sown in the panel's/jury's mind and the jobs a good 'un.


I HATE our poxy system. The majority of the evidence should be considered IMHO.




The Guildford four were innocent and were proved to be so by the legal system OldBill along with other paddies that fitted the frame and political climate in those days.





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Aside from the residue evidence, 'all' the other evidence against him was that he was in the area, he had celebrity magazines and clippings and that he told numerous lies. Well, he lived just down the road from Jill Dando, so he had every right to be in the area. And, not to put too fine a point on it, he's a bit of a halfwit and it's pretty common for such people to be obsessed with celebrity and make up fantasy tales about themselves that they can't distinguish from reality.

At the time of the murder, it was presented by the media as a slick hit. I was a little bit surprised that this divvy was nicked for it. But ah, there's firearms residue evidence, that puts the case in a different light. Except when it turns out that evidence is now acknowledged by even the prosecution experts from the trial to be 'neutral' in value, ie it could mean anything or nothing.

I think he's innocent. And I'm really no bleeding heart liberal. I doubt many here are.

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